11Sight – Make eye contact, build instant trust with 1-Click video calls!
11Sight is your ultimate partner for Real-Time Video Call Technology, Service, and Solutions
Move your face-to-face conversations online!
Add your 11Sight button easily on your website, download our application on your phone and start connecting with your customers. Secure and encrypted video calls, audio calls and text chats!
Seamless End User Experience
• No downloads, no friending
• Anonymous calls
• Any device/any OS
Control and Visibility for Businesses
• Call recording and forwarding
• Team management, analytics
• CRM/Web Integration
Marketing agencies, technology providers, car dealerships, online therapy, wealth management and private banking, customer support, technical support, sales, real estate, veterinarians, physiotherapists… These are only a few of the verticals that 11Sight is proven to be useful for.
Answer your calls on our web application on your browser, iOS application or Android application.
Expert Support
We have a global team of engineers ready to help you. To ask your questions contact us directly.
Paid Services
Create your account for a 1-month free trial now, cancel anytime.
Take a product tour to learn more.
Just install from your WordPress “Plugins > Add New” screen and all will be well. Manual installation is very straightforward as well:
Upload the zip file and unzip it in the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
Enable plugin from \”Plugins\” menu
Go to Settings > 11Sight Options and enter your 11Sight credentials and get your buttons
Activate your button over site wise or simple copy related inline button short code and paste inside related page/post
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기여자 & 개발자
“11Sight – Video, Audio calls and text chat”(은)는 오픈 소스 소프트웨어입니다. 다음의 사람들이 이 플러그인에 기여하였습니다.
Initial versiona
Login to 11sight.com capability
Show buttons
Enable button on site wise or generate short code to enable in specific page/post
Minor bug fixes.
New wordpress compatibility.
Minor bug fixes.