Adds ribbon with labels to your div containers or image using shortcodes. This is the implementation of CSS Portal ribbon generator. You can set the width , colors , backgrounds of ribbons you wanted to show.
You can email me directly for any plugin request or personal modification such as styles and templates at contact@sherkspear.com or contact me at http://sherkspear.com/contact
Plugin URI: http://www.sherkspear.com/
Detailed Instructions
After installation, check at Dashboard -> Tools -> Add Ribbon (/wp-admin/tools.php?page=add_ribbon_info)
for more detailed instructions.
This section describes how to install the plugin and get it working.
- BACKUP everything before you install the plugin.
- Upload add-ribbon directory to the ‘/wp-content/plugins/’ directory
- Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
Adding Ribbon using Shortcode
- Shortcode for Sherk Add Ribbon is in the format of
[ribbon id=”myribbon” padding=”10″ height=”100″ width=”100″ color=”#000″ bgcolor=”#FFF” label=”Featured” position=”right”]
This is a sample content
[/ribbon] - Copy the shortcode, paste it to the content text editor and update the values of your shortcode parameters depends on what you need.
Setting Ribbon for Image Content
- This is a way on adding ribbon using image as your content instead of text.
- Set your padding into 0
- Set your ribbon width and height to the width and height of your image.
- Give the image a class value of ‘imgribbon’
[ribbon id=”sherkid” padding=”0″ width=”190″ height=”190″ bgcolor=”#CCC” color=”#233″ label=”Sample”]
< img class=”imgribbon” src=”images/landscape.jpg” alt=”” width=”190″ height=”190″ />
Parameters Available
Id of your ribbon, used in customizing ribbon styles
default: ”
option: string
Text label for your ribbon
default: ‘Label’
option: string
Wider ribbon
default: ‘false’
option: boolean
Position of the label of your ribbon
default: ‘left’
option: left
Padding of your ribbon
default: ’10’
option: integer
Width of your ribbon
default: ‘200’
option: integer
Height of your ribbon
default: ‘200’
option: integer
Color of your text label
default: ‘#FFF’
option: Hex Color
Background color of your text label
default: ‘#000’
option: Hex Color
- You have questions?
Contact me through email at contact@sherkspear.com or at http://sherkspear.com/contact.
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