This plugin is an add-on for the also free Advanced Ads ad management plugin. It extends the plugin with a placement to put Google AdSense In-feed ads in the loop between posts on your homepage, category pages, tag pages, or other archive pages, etc.
Google AdSense InFeed ads are a dedicated Google AdSense ad type to monetize such post lists pages with a highly engaging layout and specialized options.
Advanced Ads was developed to place, manage and test ads on pages to increase revenue and usability.
The plugin comes with plenty of features, e.g.,
- Support for all Google AdSense types like link units, responsive, In-feed, In-article and matched content
- Google AdSense term violation checks
- Google AdSense Auto ads
Advanced Ads Pro and other add-on features include
- ads on AMP pages (all ads, not only Google AdSense ads)
- ads based on specific browser widths
- showing an alternative ad to ad block users
- click fraud monitoring to protect your Google AdSense account
- position tests
- support for caching plugins
기여자 & 개발자
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- Fix: update plugin icons
- Fix: update plugin description
- ensure compatibility with WP 5.8
- coding style optimized
- fixed frontend issue when Advanced Ads basic plugin is not activated
- use default index of 1 if placement position wasn’t saved before
- first version