이 플러그인은 최근 3개의 주요 워드프레스 출시와 시험 되지 않았습니다. 워드프레스의 좀 더 최근 버전으로 이용할 때 더 이상 관리되지 않고 지원되지 않고 호환성 문제가 있을 수 있습니다.

Advanced Category Excluder


This plugin was born because there was a no other real alternative to enable content sparationd and some CMS like functionalities in WordPress.
The main goal was, to enhance WordPress’s functionalities, to hide some unwanted categories, from defined parts of the blog.

Today, ACE can override your search results, your RSS feed listing, your category listing, your recent post, and recent post widgets and also your entry page, or even hide whole categories of posts from web crawlers if you want to.
This is great, for SEO reasons, for content separation, for grouping information, and handle them as real sub pages.

Download now!

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DjZoNe |

Some functions:

  • Integration with Google (XML) Sitmap Generator plugin
  • Effective category management
  • Effective content separation
  • Enables CMS-like functionality
  • RSS feed manipulation
  • Search result manipulation
  • Category list manipulation
  • Support for Event Calendar
  • Handles multiple link categories
  • noindex, nofollow web crawler options for robots – great for SEO
  • Own Recent Comments, Recent Posts and Categories widgets have been added
  • Backward SQL compatibility with MySQL 4.0
  • Nice control panel, called ACE Dashboard
  • Localization added (swedish, french and hungarian translation included)
  • Bundeled POT file for translators
  • WordPress 2.7 UI


  • ACE Dashboard – Settings screen
  • ACE Dashboard – Categories screen


  1. Upload the contents of the ZIP file to /wp-content/plugins/advanced-category-excluder/ directory
  2. 워드프레스의 ‘플러그인’ 메뉴에서 플러그인을 활성화하세요.
  3. Set customize the settings, under ACE root menu


I’ve got 404 pages in the admin while browsing ACE submenus

Check the plugin folder location.
It should be ‘wp-content/plugins/advanced-category-excluder’.

Does this plugin affect my category listing on the sidebar?

Let’s say yes, and no.

It can affect if you want to.

Does this plugin support widgets ?

Well, yes and no again 🙂

We does not support the genuine the calendar, and the recent comments widgets. Thus there is our own recent comments widget. And the calendar is on the way.

Does this plugin works with the newest versions of WordPress ?

We, who update, patch, and develope this plugin alway using the latest stable version, so as far as we are active ( I hope we’ll until we reach world domination… 😀 ) the newest versions will support the most current version of WordPress.

Does this plugin works with older versions of WordPress ?

First of all, I suggest you to take the effort, and upgrade, due to security reasons.

But yes we have the older WP users in our mind, while we develope this plugin.

Does this plugin works for tags?

Not yet 😉
But in the future it will 🙂


2017년 1월 14일
This plugin should be updated ASAP. Basically it does the job, but unfortunately it contains deprecated php functions that do not work on php 7 and produce warnings on php 5.4 and above. The development team is unresponsive so I guess the plugin is abandoned.
2016년 9월 3일
$cats = split(',',get_option("ace_categories_norobots")); Error thrown Call to undefined function split() split() can be replaced with explode() I see a support topic 4 month old with same issue, but unresponsive
2016년 9월 3일
In my site, I have a Blog page which shows all the posts categorized as Blog. I have another page which shows only the posts which are categorized as Premium. Also I can select posts having Premium category only from a side bar specific to this page. I have used Content Aware Sidebar and Posts To Pages plugin to achieve this result. The Blog page side bar has Search, Recent Post & archive option, Recent Post is showing only posts with Blog category but the rest two (Search & Archives) are showing all the above categories (Blog & Premium). I need only the posts from Blog category to be accessed through this side bar. Is it possible to do this? Can anyone guide me up how to tackle this problem? From my description, it may seem a bit complicated, but this is the only way I found working for me.
모든 16 평가 읽기

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“Advanced Category Excluder”(은)는 오픈 소스 소프트웨어입니다. 다음의 사람들이 이 플러그인에 기여하였습니다.


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