Advanced Pricing Addon For Wp Bakery


This is a Advanced Pricing Module For Wp Bakery (Js Composer) plugin Extend the Visual Composer with ES Modules (ES Advanced Pricing Addon) display pricing table using VC Builder.


  • 3 Table Styles also you can build extra style usign other options
  • 3 Button Styles you can use any button style in your table
  • 3 Preset Colors you can select color or custom color
  • 2 Recommended Styles you can choose any one you like
  • Design the table with custom colors any items like you want
  • On hover Zoom table style you can tick as you like
  • Extra Class you can use any extra class for cutom own styles
  • You can choose animations styles options to make nicely
  • Build easily body cotents list with active or non-active and with icon(Tick or Cross) or any other
  • Table Style 2 – You can change price show in circle styles
  • Default VC Template – You can import template default table designs



  • screenshot-1.jpg is the Module Show.

  • screenshot-2.jpg is the vc module fields show.

  • screenshot-3.jpg is the vc module setting, fields, colors, styles.

  • screenshot-4.jpg is the extra setting page.

  • screenshot-5.jpg is the all table contents builder area.

  • screenshot-6.jpg is the default pricing table template.

  • screenshot-7.jpg is the all frontened table styles designs.


  1. Install automatically through the Plugins, Add New menu in WordPress, or upload the advanced-pricing-addon-wpbakery folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.

  2. Activate the plugin through the Plugins menu in WordPress. On the Admin screen use the Plugin in Wp Bakery Builder to select Advanced Pricing Addon For Wp Bakery to configure.

  3. Updates are automatic. Click on “Upgrade Automatically” if prompted from the admin menu. If you ever have to manually upgrade, simply deactivate, uninstall, and repeat the installation steps with the new version.


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