The free version allows for creating a system role with up to 500 words. Image and video sources count as one word each. That\’s a lot of free power! The full version allows for creating an ai agent with a mind of it\’s own.
External services
This plugin connects to an API to obtain the AI agent’s response.
This plugin will not work without an API key. Data sent to the API is not stored or saved on our servers but may be stored by the chosen ai API provider.
If using OpenAI visit https://privacy.openai.com/
If using DeepSeek visit https://chat.deepseek.com/downloads/DeepSeek%20Privacy%20Policy.html
This plugin is designed to use URLs for images and videos. If you use YouTube links they will be converted to embedded videos using iframes. Refer to the YouTube privacy policy for more information: https://www.youtube.com/howyoutubeworks/our-commitments/protecting-user-data/
Please visit D33PS33K for support!
D33PS33K AI Agent Chatbot Front End Screenshot 1 D33PS33K AI Agent Chat bot Front End Screenshot 2 D33PS33K AI Agent Chatbot Page Editor Screenshot 3 D33PS33K AI Agent Chat bot Admin Settings Screenshot 4 D33PS33K AI Agent Chatbot Admin Settings Screenshot 5 D33PS33K AI Agent Chat bot Admin Settings Screenshot 6 D33PS33K AI Agent Chatbot Admin Settings Screenshot 7
- Upload the plugin files…
- Activate the plugin…
- Configure the settings…
- Use the [ds-chat-bot] shortcode on any page or post
What AI model does this use?
This plugin works with OpenAI and DeepSeek APIs. The full version is growing fast!
deepseek-chat, gpt-4o-mini, gpt-4, gpt-3.5-turbo -
Why are videos and images not displaying?
You will need to add full image and video URLs to the system role in a list. Each image and video counts as one word out of the 500 word limit. The full version does not have this limitation.
Why are videos and images displaying strange?
Add this line to your system role:
Embed video using html video tags and images using html image tags on a line by themself.
이 플러그인에 대한 평가가 없습니다.
기여자 & 개발자
자국어로 “AI Chat Bot Agent D33PS33K”(을)를 번역하세요.
개발에 관심이 있으십니까?
This is the initial release of the plugin!