

This plugin allow to fetch articles from projects generated on AIrticle-flow website and automatically publish them.

The API of AIrticleflow is used in the following way:

User Information Route (/user):

Purpose: Retrieves the authenticated user’s information.
Method & Endpoint: GET /user
Functionality: When this endpoint is accessed, it returns the authenticated user’s data. This is useful in the plugin to identify the current user.

User Projects Route (/projects):

Purpose: Fetches all the projects associated with the authenticated user.
Method & Endpoint: GET /projects
Functionality: This endpoint fetches data from the Project model where the user_id matches the authenticated user’s ID. It’s used in the plugin to display all projects owned by the user.

Project Articles Route (/projects/{projectId}/articles):

Purpose: Retrieves articles related to a specific project, owned by the authenticated user.
Method & Endpoint: GET /projects/{projectId}/articles
First, it finds the project by projectId. If the project belongs to the user, it retrieves articles associated with this project where the status is ‘created’. is a SaaS product that allow generation of quality blog post using artificial intelligence technologies. Terms of use are available at the following page:
The privacy policy of AIrticle-flow can be accessed at this address:


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