이 플러그인은 최근 3개의 주요 워드프레스 출시와 시험 되지 않았습니다. 워드프레스의 좀 더 최근 버전으로 이용할 때 더 이상 관리되지 않고 지원되지 않고 호환성 문제가 있을 수 있습니다.



Beautiful CSS3 animations on WordPress Posts, Pages and Widgets.

Animate Demo

Some of the Key features Include:

  • CSS animations powered by WOW.js and Animate.css
  • Ability to add animation on pages, posts and widgets
  • Animation on Scroll
  • Different scroll offset on individual animation blocks
  • Delay to create a nice animation sequence
  • Animation duration
  • Infinitely animation
  • Iterated animation
  • Enable or disable animations on mobile
  • Enable or disable checking for new WOW elements on the page
  • Custom box class setting
  • Custom animate class setting
  • Custom CSS setting

This plugin inspired by Animate It!

Arbitrary section

A brief Markdown Example

[animate style=”bounce” data-wow-duration=”0.5″ data-wow-delay=”1″ data-wow-offset=”100″ data-wow-iteration=”5″ infinitely=”no” custom_class=”your_custom_class”][/animate]

Animate Demo


  • Custom Button – Use Animate button to add animation blocks in Posts and Pages
  • Set Animation – Choose animation settings
  • Shortcode – Change content as you wish. Copy and paste in text-widget as well
  • Plugin Settings – Animate menu settings
  • Widgets – You can choose Animate class from dropdown list on widgets


Animate is easy to install:

  1. Upload the /animate folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the Plugins menu in WordPress
  3. Navigate to the Animate panel to set options

— OR –:

  1. Login to your WordPress site admin area
  2. Search for Animate
  3. Click install Animate


2017년 7월 3일
in spite of “stealing” etc reviews, this is not the same as Animate It – this plugin helped me a lot with enqueueing animate.css and wow.js – with a normal way my theme had a conflict, and only doing it via plugin worked. So shall i write my own or be grateful to get this for free? Also Animate It uses not only animate.css+wow.js, but more scripts, which only make your page load longer.
2016년 10월 5일
I like WOW.js and its great found here a plugin for use WOW in wordpress.
2016년 9월 13일
I was wondering if someone had incorporated WOW.js and Animate.css into a WordPress plugin and was happy to have found this little gem. It adds a button to your WYSIWYG editor and inserts a shortcode. Pretty straight forward, it works, and it’s FREE. I would give it a 5 star if it had the ability to upload/add your own media instead of using the plugin placeholder image. The way it works currently is not ideal. The users who gave this plugin a 1 star rating are obviously confused – it’s a good plugin and does exactly what it promises.
2016년 9월 3일
Poor guy’s version of a superb plugin Animate It! Shame on you to copy it 🙁
모든 8 평가 읽기

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Version 0.5

  • Initial public release.