

The connection of Automater system with WooCommerce platform allows you to automate sending codes or files to Customers after payment. Automater plugin integrated with online store allows you to automatically:

  • connect products from the store with products on Automater
  • create a transaction in Automater after purchase in store
  • posting payments in Automater after payment in store


+ Download the installation package.
+ Log in to the WordPress admin panel and go to plugins / add new.
+ Select upload plugin button and select the previously downloaded plugin file, then install and enable the plugin.

+ Log in to the WordPress admin panel and go to plugins / add new.
* In the search field, enter automater.
* With the appropriate plugin click install now.

+ Go to the tab WooCommerce/ settings and select the tab integration.
+ Log in to Automater and go to the settings / settings / API.
+ If the keys are not generated, click generate new keys.
+ Rewrite API Key and API Secret values to the appropriate fields in the configuration. In order to synchronize the list of products with Automater, press the Import products from your Automater account button.
+ In the product settings in the store, you must associate the product from the product store with the Automater account by adding a new attribute product from Automater (if there is no equivalent it must be created).
+ Done – now, products related with Automater will be sent automatically.


If you have problems installing and configuring the plug-in, please contact by clicking here. However, to learn more about the wider possibilities of integration, we invite you to read our API.

For additional information andhelp with configuration, see Help.


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