

이 플러그인은 2024년 3월 7일(으)로 폐쇄되었고 내려받기가 불가능합니다. 사유: 보안 문제.


2021년 1월 16일 답글 1개
The YouTube Automatic Video Posts plugin works really great and Matthew provides awesome support for tech-challenged users like myself. Thanks, Matthew!
2019년 11월 30일
This plugin is trash. I reached out to the developer for assistance and crickets. There is a reason it has almost as many one star reviews as five star reviews. I purchased the $40 version of this plugin. Don’t make the mistake I made. If you insist on buying it, stick with the $10 version. There are other plugins that are regularly updated that perform better, and have better reviews. Research.
2019년 9월 3일
The YouTube plugin by Ternstyle is certainly a great tool for anyone who posts frequently on YouTube and wants those videos to automatically appear as blog posts on their website. Though the plugin is wonderfully feature-rich, set up is simple. However it does include advanced options (including the almighty and widely sought-after “hide related videos” feature) for those who want to get fancy with their configuration. One installation I manage functioned perfectly literally for years before it stopped working! That’s when I contacted support for the first time. After just a few Q & As, they were able to determine that the Google API needed adjusting. After a few quick changes, it was working again. GREAT support, quick and to the point! I was then able to import all the videos that hadn’t been posted and confirm that new ones are now being posted as expected. One note. When you purchase this plugin, an account is created for you on their website. Because the plugin keeps working even if not renewed, it was a long time before I got to the point where I needed to do this (because I needed support and an update to the plugin). By then I had forgotten about the account, and how to access the license I had previously purchased somehow evaporated from my memory, so I purchased a new one. Don’t make that mistake! They will be kind in helping you resolve it, but to use the new license you must delete all the YouTube posts imported to your website up to that point and then reimport them all. For frequent posters who have had the plugin in action for a while that could be nearly catastrophic. Everything will roll more smoothly if you remember to log in to your account and renew the existing license. Many thanks to Matthew and crew for a great plugin and wonderfully helpful support!
2018년 12월 22일
I love this plugin. It does exactly what it is supposed to do! I love it. The plugin documentation is spot on and the support is wonderful. If want to be able to auto post YouTube videos for a channel or keyword to WordPress, you need this. Five stars!!!!!
2018년 12월 13일
Використовую Про версію для своїх проектів. Швидка підтримка. Гарний додаток. Протестував спочатку для одного з проектів, а потім купив додаткові ліцензії для інших проектів. I’m using Pro version for my projects. Fast support. Great plugin. At first I’ve tested it (bought license Level 1) for one of my projects, and then bought additional licenses for other projects.
2018년 12월 9일 답글 1개
This plugin is just a scam. He doesn’t do anything for free. The free version does not work on any property that it claims. I definitely don’t recommend!
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