bbPress – Sort topic replies


Sort topic replies in ascending or descending order for each bbPress Topic. You can choose to save setting for each topic, for the whole Forum or set globally for every Topic.


  • Sort Replies
  • Show leading topic(Original Post) at the top of each page

Adds a simple options on the Forum and Topic side bar to choose. If you want the replies to any topic, or all the topics in the selected Forum to be sorted in Ascending or Descending order.

bbPress default sorting order is Ascending order. This means the latest reply shows on the last page. Some people want the latest replies to show on the first pages. If that person is you, this plugin is for you.

Settings priority applies in following order: Topic>Forum>Global
Filter looks for the settings for each topic starting at the topic level. If settings not found at the Topic level, it looks for settings for the Forum the Topic belongs to. If nothing found there either, it applies the global settings. What this means is that you can fully customize sort setting for each forum and topic.


  • Settings page in settings menu


WordPress 대시보드에서

  1. ‘플러그인 > 신규 추가’ 방문
  2. Search for ‘bbPress – Sort topic replies’
  3. Activate ‘bbPress – Sort topic replies’ from your Plugins page.
  4. Visit ‘Forums’ and select the Forum you want to have sorted topic replies.
  5. On right sidebar, notice the new meta box titled ‘Sort Replies’. Choose ‘Descending’ if you want the latest replies to appear first.


  1. Download ‘bbPress – Sort topic replies’.
  2. Upload the ‘bbPress – Sort topic replies’ directory to your ‘/wp-content/plugins/’ directory, using your favorite method (ftp, sftp, scp, etc…)
  3. Activate bbPress from your Plugins page.
  4. Visit ‘Forums’ and select the Forum you want to have sorted topic replies.
  5. On right sidebar, notice the new meta box titled ‘Sort Replies’. Choose ‘Descending’ if you want the latest replies to appear first.


2016년 12월 11일
That this plugin’s functionality isn’t incorporated into bbPress is completely unbelievable. The entire rest of the online world, FB, Twitter, etc., all list the most recent replies first. THANK YOU to SandyRig for this awesome addition to an undeniably great forum (but one that needs to consider the average end user’s instincts a bit more).
2016년 9월 3일
Still works perfectly (took me 2min to set everything up), with Wordpress 4.4 and bbPress 2.5.8 Big thanks to developer, cheers mate! 😀
모든 6 평가 읽기

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코드 탐색하기는, SVN 저장소를 확인하시거나, 개발 기록RSS로 구독하세요.



  • Added sort and show lead options to both individual form and topics
  • Settings Priority changed to Topic>Forum>Global


  • Global options moved under the settings page
  • Global sort option added for topics that have no Parent
  • Option added to show lead topic(Original Post) at the top of each page


  • Added a global setting to set the sorting order for all the forums
  • Changed a global post variable name to avoid conflicts with other plugins using the same name


  • Sort topic replies on chosen Forums