Buddypres lacks settings to change notifications for your users, by default they are set to “YES” notify by email for any activity which could cause you
problems with your hosting service.. as it did for me.. since bots register and message users and so much more…
Major features BP default user noifications include:
- Change default email notifications for your users, switch to “NO” and click update and will update all your user setting but Admins.
- User email notifications autmatically gets updated after registering, so no more worries, BP default user noifications does the job for you.
- That it, something so simple and so important that buddypress lacks of.
Follow on twitter @vcomputadoras.com, Linkedin https://www.linkedin.com/in/neumann-valle-abb72682/ also Github https://github.com/utan
Upload the “BP-default-user-nofications” plugin folder to your Buddypress powered site, Activate it, then go to the “BP default user nofications” in the admin menu panel and update notifications as pleased..
- Installation Instructions
Upload the “BP-default-user-nofications” plugin folder to your Buddypress powered site, Activate it, then go to the “BP default user nofications” in the admin menu panel and update notifications as pleased..
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Release Date – 08/29/2018
- First mayor release.. it’s a baby.