The Chat Room plugin allows administrators to easily create chat rooms for their users to participate in. Chat rooms are created via the WordPress administrative interface. After creation, users can access it via the permalink for the chat room.
The plugin currently will only support servers that have direct PHP filesystem access, which may not be available on all hosting environments.
All official development on this plugin is on GitHub. Version bumps will still be published here on You can find the repo at Please file issues, bugs, and enhancement ideas there, when possible.
This is an Easy Chat to install and it even works with my layout…. at first I chose one rumbletalk or something like that, and free users on can get like 5 users and had to install the code in all 100 pages. This all I had to do was create a Chat Room, Name it and right click on the link and VIOLA YAYAY Thanks!!!! Idea, how can we ad like smilies or something like that?? Awesome Plugin I Love It!!!!
It’s the best free app Chat that allows multi users to chat all together in the same window.
I was looking for this solution for my registered users.
I did not need a chat for “customers” with issues.
My site is only accessible to registered (and logged) users.
It’s a small community of less than 300 users.
What I would like for them now would be a basic mobile app that would allow them to access this chat + the site form there phones… one day… maybe.
I’ve tried out this plugin, and I must say it’s absolutely great. As far as I’m concerned it’s a 5 star as is.
I use it as part of a WordPress based Learning Management System.
So the students can interact with each other in their private chat rooms.
However I only have one gripe with it.
It displays the login name in the chat.
For security reasons, I’ve hidden the administrators usernames from the entire site.
I was going to ask if it could be changed from username to nickname or display-name instead. As that would keep the “real” name of the admin hidden, while showing the students who’s in the room.
But after thinking about it.
I realized I can just register several usernames called “moderator” with a prefix or suffix, and that solves the problem.
So I won’t be doing any requests. It’s great as is.
Great job guys! Love your plugin!
Great widget! Thank you for creating this. It is the only chat room widget I found that was free, easy to customize with CSS and easy to install. Some additions for the future that would be great are to add a section with “currently online users”. Also a “send” button beside the textarea. Also, it would be cool if the chatroom have one main room and had different categories/chat rooms within the same widget. But the plugin as-in works great
Simply a mess. It creates problems with page style. There was two additional misplaced texboxes and writing in them on the chat it appears only my nickname.