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Choc Chip EU Cookie Plugin


The EU cookie directive may not be the most welcome law, but as Voltaire said ‘in order to be free we must all be slaves to the law’. I’m not sure how true that is either, but in any case it has caused me to sit down and write this WordPress plugin to make abiding by the rules that bit easier.

It gives your visitors the option to opt in to any third party applications such as Google Analytics or Ad Sense. The Choc Chip Cookie Plugin then leaves a cookie of its own to remember them next time. The cookie willl expire after one year. There are a few options with this little badger to help you comply with the EU cookie directive and also pimp it up to suit your website.

If you would like to ask a question go to http://www.christiansenior.co.uk/talkin-shop/choc-chip-eu-cookie-wordpress-plugin


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