

이 플러그인은 2022년 5월 25일(으)로 폐쇄되었고 내려받기가 불가능합니다. 사유: 보안 문제.


2018년 3월 22일
This plugin is malware do not install it on your server, it will setup a backdoor admin account.
2017년 11월 14일
Je regrette d'avoir écarté dans un premier temps ce plugin à cause de son rating moyen pour exporter et importer une liste d'utilisateurs d'un site à un autre. Il offre de loin la solution la plus simple et la plus efficace tout en étant gratuit. J'aurai gagné beaucoup de temps en l'utilisant tout de suite. Un grand merci !
2017년 11월 7일
I'm not sure what all of the bad reviews are about. I spent 2 hours trying other plugins - even paid for two different ones (WP Move users and WP All Import) that also would not work. I'm on the latest version of WP on both sites. Finally tried this plugin, and in seconds it did what I couldn't do in 2 hours with the others.


2017년 10월 14일
Creates folders in the install.... sends unwanted emails... I would advise against using this
2017년 10월 3일
This plugin ruined my website and damaged my reputation with a client. I left the "Email users" checkboxes completely unchecked and it automatically emailed all of them during the import. Not sure how this is acceptable. This plugin should be removed from the plugins directory immediately!
2017년 7월 5일
What the fuck is wrong this this? I'm not the only one (my bad, I checked the reviews only after), but this plugin is a shit. My users received email from another user account. Now I have tones of email from my customers asking what's wrong. The last review with the same problem was a year ago. What are you waiting for? This plugin doesn't have his place on WordPress anymore!
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