As a website owner or developer we sometimes came to a situation where we have some plugin conflicts and requires troubleshooting. By displaying other information such installation date, last date deactivated and last date reactivated we can see which plugin likely causes the issue.
When the plugin is best to use?
When troubleshooting an issue and see which is the lastest plugin was installed and likely causing the problem.
How does it work?
In every plugin installation this plugin will save the date, and author who installed the plugin. Display those information for troubleshooting reference.
All installed plugins prior to this plugin are not recorded and there’s no way for now to learn their installation date. The recording will begin after this plugin is installed.
- Displays the installation date of the plugins
- Displays the last deactivation date of the plugins
- Displays the last reactivation date of the plugins
- Displays the user who installed the plugins
For more details about the plugin visit our site codecorun
Can I see the installation date of my previous plugins before to this plugin?
No, unfortunately we can’t see any solution for that hopefully soon.
Can I change the date format?
Yes, by going to your website’s general settings and update the date format. Please Note: Changing your website’s date format from general settings will affect your entire website.
Is it free?
Yes, this plugin is entirely free.
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기여자 & 개발자
자국어로 “Codecorun – Other Installation Details”(을)를 번역하세요.
개발에 관심이 있으십니까?
- Initial Release