Use our WP plugin to install Confection on your site.
“How do I get started”?
See our WordPress quick-start guide: confection.io/quick-start/wordpress
Confection is a new kind of product. It’s a data generator for the privacy-first world.
It uses an innovative architecture to collect, store, and distribute data, one that’s unaffected by client-side disruptions. There’s no need to worry about cookies, cross-domain scripts, or device IDs. Confection is also compliant with globalprivacy laws like GDPR, CCPA, and LGPD so it’s good for people too.
And it integrates with the apps businesses and developers already use. There’s no need to switch systems. Just plug in, power up, and keep your marketing partnerships running strong.
Learn more about the ways Confection helps businesses pivot to the post-cookie world at confection.io
Install this plugin as you would any other. If you’re unfamiliar with installing WordPress plugins, please read this page from the Codex.
You’ll see a new top-level admin menu titled “Confection.” Click this to manage plugin settings.
Enter your account ID and click “Save Changes.” If you don’t have an ID, you can set up an account by clicking “Set Up an Account.”
For additional help, please see Confection’s WordPress quick-start guide here.
Where can I learn more about Confection and set up an account?
Visit confection.io
Can I demo Confection?
Yes. Visit confection.io/main/demo
Which apps does Confection integrate with?
1000s. We built it to work with the apps people already use. There’s no need to switch systems. Visit confection.io/integrations to learn more.
How does privacy first affect me?
Request a free risk assessment at confection.io/impact.
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기여자 & 개발자
자국어로 “Confection WordPress Cable”(을)를 번역하세요.
개발에 관심이 있으십니까?
- Upgraded Confection Cable to 2.4.0
- New function to send Custom UUID
- New option to use a custom Cable URL
- WooCommerce integration will now send more information about purchases
- Sending events and fields through AJAX will now also send home url as domain
- Upgraded Confection Client to 1.0.7
- Community Mode will now correctly save all UUIDs ever seen for that user
- Community Mode will now display user’s UUID on Profile Screen
- Upgraded Confection Client to 1.0.6
- Cable will now have slighty more seconds to send data.
0.4.4 (unreleased)
- Community Mode will now save all UUIDs ever seen for that user
0.4.3 (10/13/22)
- WooCommerce integration now submits Order ID
- New Cable naming feature
0.4.3 (07/14/22)
- Upgraded Confection Client to 1.0.5
0.4.2 (05/31/22)
- Option to import output from Code Builder
- New option: “Additional Initialization Code”
- Update Translations
0.4.1 (05/16/22)
- New client JS with better iframe support
0.4.0 (05/13/22)
- Implemented the Write Key
- Upgraded Confection Cable to 2.3.0
0.3.0 (11/15/21)
- Upgraded Confection Cable to 2.0.2
- Upgraded Confection Client to 1.0.1
0.2.1 (06/14/21)
- Upgraded Confection Cable to 2.0.1
- Added option to integrate Confection with WooCommerce to submit order value to your Confection Account.
- Added option to integrate Confection with User System to submit user email to your Confection Account on login.
0.2.0 (06/17/21)
- Upgraded Confection Cable to 2.0
- Upgraded Confection Client with better Analytics functionality
- Added option to use Confection Cable outside WP Ajax.
- Added option to inline Confection Client scrip in code.
- Bug Fix: Some options will no longer be lost in some situations.
0.1.7 (06/02/21)
Minor bug fixes and enhancements.
0.1.6 (03/16/21)
Enhanced events tracking. Start writing the following datapoints to Confection as soon as you install it on your site: pageview: “Which page is a visitor seeing?”; referrer: “Which URL referred this visitor?”; language: “What language is the visitor’s browser using?”; device: “What kind of device is the visitor using?”; loadtime: “How many seconds did it take for this page to load for a user?”
Less obtrusive front-end banner.
0.1.5 (01/29/21)
Fixed “Install Sitewide” checkmark bug. Improved event tracking compatibility with caching plugins. (11/05/20)
Minor banner z-index fix. (11/05/20)
Minor readme.txt edit.
0.1.4 (11/04/20)
Minor LGPD bug fix.
0.1.3 (11/03/20)
Mobile UX improvements. Miscellaneous minor bug fixes and improvements.
0.1.2 (10/27/20)
Minor UI enhancements.
0.1.1 (10/23/20)
Initial release.