Have you ever need to show a content only for visitors of the country you want? This plugin will do this for you. Simply choose the country you want to show the content for and done. This plugin use the ipinfodb.com API.
- upload the folder ‘content-for-your-country’ to the ‘/wp-content/plugins/’ directory
- Activate the plugin in the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
- Enter the plugin’s config page in the CbC tab
- Go to http://ipinfodb.com/register.php and register por an API Key. (It’s free) 5.- Enter the Key in the API Key folder. If the field is empty the plugin use the default Key. 6.- Select the Country for which you want to limit the content from the drop down menu.
- Clic the Update Config button 8.- Create or edit a post and enter the shortcode with your private content. e.g.: [privatecontent] ONLY SHOW FOR DESIRED COUNTRY [/privatecontent]
- Enter Widget Tab. Drag the Widget to the sidebar
- Enter your html in the textarea 11.Clic save button
How can i use it as a widget?
Go to widgets Tab. Drag the Content for your country widget to the sidebar. Enter your text or html into the texture Clic save.
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기여자 & 개발자
자국어로 “Content for your Country”(을)를 번역하세요.
개발에 관심이 있으십니까?
Content only for Spain
Added the option to select the desired country and enter the own
ipinfodb.com API Key
Added the widget for hide content in the sidebar