

이 플러그인은 2024년 3월 7일(으)로 폐쇄되었고 내려받기가 불가능합니다. 사유: 보안 문제.


2019년 11월 21일
I needed to converts some blog posts to a custom post type and found this plugin with a google search. It worked perfectly on WP 5.3 and saved me a good our of time.
2018년 4월 17일
Wordpress 4.9.5 No better plugin for converting categories to custom post types. And vice versa.
2017년 5월 5일
This plugin does easily allow you to “bulk” change from one post type to another. But keep in mind you need to have that post type already set up on your new site before you can convert it. The part of this plugin that does not work is that it doesn’t assign the categories that were selected. It converts the post type, but it gives it a blank category. This requires you to manually look for the newly converted posts and manually assign the categories yourself. 🙁
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