Core Web Vitals & PageSpeed Booster


Core Web Vitals (CWV) is the new ranking factor

Google announced that “Core Web Vitals” are going to be a significant ranking signal for websites. In fact, Core Web Vitals or the page experience signal is going to become a requirement for a page to appear in Google’s Top Stories.


  • Flush Cache: Using this option you can choose on which events ( WordPress Update,Switching Theme,Post/Page Deletion ) you want to clear website cache.
  • Auto Clear Cache: Clear you website on regular intervals , this helps you to keep your website cache updated.
  • Webp images: If images are slowing down your website, then converting them to WebP format can improve your page load speed test scores.
  • Lazy Load: Lazy loading allows your website to only load images when a user scrolls down to a specific image, which reduces website load time and improves website performance.
  • Minification: If you are trying to achieve 100/100 score on Google Pagespeed or GTMetrix tool, then minifying CSS and JavaScript will significantly improve your score.
  • Remove Unused CSS:Unused CSS is any CSS code added by your WordPress theme or plugins that you don’t really need. Removing this CSS code improves WordPress performance and user experience.
  • Google Fonts Optimizations: You may start noticing external resources like fonts affecting Google PageSpeed + load times. This is where loading Google Fonts locally comes into play.
  • Delay JavaScript Execution:You can delay JavaScript based on user interaction. This can be a great way to speed up the paint of the page for Google PageSpeed when something isn’t needed right away. Especially heavy third-party scripts like Google Adsense, Google Analytics etc.
  • Cache: Caching is one of the most important and easiest ways to speed up WordPress! it reduces the amount of work required to generate a page view. As a result, your web pages load much faster, directly from cache.


We try our best to provide support on forums. However, We have a special team support where you can ask us questions and get help. Delivering a good user experience means a lot to us and so we try our best to reply each and every question that gets asked.

Bug Reports

Bug reports for Core Web Vitals & PageSpeed Booster are welcomed on GitHub. Please note GitHub is not a support forum, and issues that aren’t properly qualified as bugs will be closed.


  • PHP CSS Parser library used – License URI: (PHP-CSS-Parser is freely distributable under the terms of an MIT-style license.)
  • CSS from HTML extractor library used – License URI: (CSS from HTML extractor is freely distributable under the terms of an MIT-style license.)
  • WebP Convert library used – License URI: (WebP Convert is freely distributable under the terms of an MIT-style license.)



2024년 6월 9일 답글 1개
I don’t normally leave reviews but this thing trashed the site. Pictures, margins, menus, everything. Uninstalling didn’t fix it. I had to restore from backup. You will regret it if you install this.
2024년 2월 17일 답글 1개
The plugin works fine alright. Bulk-changes all images to webp which is a valuable feature.But unfortunatedly it breaks spelling in german as it replaces all “Umlaut” with gremlins (¢#^¶)
2024년 2월 9일 답글 1개
Hello Magazine 3 team, I tried this plugin on my website which uses a theme named Vehica this week. The result on Google Page speed Insights was good and my mobile score matched my desktop score at 99% so top marks. However my mobile menu was no longer useable and there is no way the drop down would work. I am using WP Rocket and Cloudflare also. I disabled both of these plugins and cleared my cache and browser and still the same problem. I then turned of the cache, disabled all CSS features in your plugin and no change. My mobile menu still did ot work. Finally a deleted your plugin and the menu was active once again. I would love for your plugin to work for me and I would also even pay a small yearly fee if it did but at the moment its not good enough. Sad
2024년 1월 11일 답글 1개
This plugin caused significant issues with my blog posts that were previously performing well in Google search rankings, resulting in a noticeable drop. I am extremely dissatisfied with the outcome.
2023년 12월 4일 답글 1개
After I installed the plugin, I am unable to upload new images. This is the error I get: The server cannot process the image. This can happen if the server is busy or does not have enough resources to complete the task. Uploading a smaller image may help. Suggested maximum size is 2560 pixels. I tried to switch the Image Optimization to Manual. It does not help either.
모든 14 평가 읽기

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1.0.23 (04 January 2025)

  • New: Serve static assets with an efficient cache policy #117
  • Improvement: Added conversion stats for manual image optimization #135
  • Fixed: Php error on user’s end #163

1.0.22 (05 November 2024)

  • Improvement: Fix Properly Size Image issue. #118
  • Improvement: Image lazy load improvement #157
  • Test: Test with WP 6.7 #161

1.0.21 (30 September 2024)

  • New: Option to exclude the images from lazyloading #155
  • New: add missing alt tag in images. #156
  • Improvement: Image lazy load improvement #157
  • Fixed: Some images are breaking #159
  • Fixed: Easy TOC table is breaking on product category pages when plugin is activated #158
  • Fixed: Warnings: PHP Deprecated: mb_convert_encoding() #153
  • Fixed: Conflict with WooCommerce PayPal Payments on checkout #154
  • Fixed: Some icons are breaking on activation of plugin #150
  • Fixed: Few improvements required #151

1.0.20 (30 July 2024)

  • Fixed: Some warnings and notices on front end #145
  • Fixed: Embedded video is not visible on front end #144
  • Test: Test with WordPress version 6.6 #147

1.0.19 (07 May 2024)

  • Fixed: Cant over ride the width of .cwvpsb_iframe due to the important property used #132
  • Fixed: Compatibility with PHP 8.3 version #140
  • Test: Test with new version of wordpress i.e. 6.5v #139
  • Fixed: PHP Warning: Undefined variable $img_srcset #141
  • Improvement : Option to exclude lazyloading #91

1.0.18 (27 February 2024)

  • Fixed: CSS break after latest update (1.0.17) #130
  • Fixed: Displaying unknown characters #133
  • Improvement: Improvement in Image lazy load #131
  • Improvement: Image optimization not working if html contain invalid DOM #134

1.0.17 (19 January 2024)

  • Fixed: The type attribute is unnecessary for JavaScript resources. #123
  • Fixed: Element script must not have attribute defer unless attribute src is also specified. #122
  • Added: Option where we can set different delay JS methods on mobile and desktop. #119
  • Added: Option for flush cache on a predefined schedule. #120
  • Added: Option to keep cache for a long period of time. #121
  • Improvement: Automatic Resizing to fix Properly Size Image issue. #118
  • Fixed: Network deactivate is not working #126
  • Improvement: Code Improvement #125
  • Improvement: Bulk convert to webP #127

1.0.16 (15 November 2023)

  • Fixed: Robots.txt error appears when you we enable our CWV plugin. #114
  • Fixed: wp-content/gravatars folder not removed upon uninstall #112
  • Fixed: Uninstall.php only removes main critical URLs table from database in multisite #111
  • Improvement: Updated settings link #113
  • Compatibility: Checked compatibility with wordpress v6.4 #115

1.0.15 (22 September 2023)

  • Added: Compatibility with MYSQL v5.5 #97
  • Fixed: Fatal Error on Multisite Activation: is_plugin_active_for_network() Undefined #106
  • Fixed: Youtube embed video Not showing in AMP #105
  • Improvement: Cache is off but still in header it’s showing clear cache #104

1.0.14 (17 August 2023)

  • Fixed: Parse error unexpected ‘)’ #87
  • Fixed: Error in core-web-vitals-pagespeed-booster Plugin. #99
  • Fixed: Compatibility with 10Web Booster #96
  • Improvement: Added newsletter form #4
  • Improvement: WordPress 6.3 compatibility check #100
  • Improvement: Improved and optimized the code according to WP standards #101

1.0.13 (03 June 2023)

  • Improvement: Improved CSS load
  • Fixed: Redirection Issue

1.0.12 (14 April 2023)

  • Fixed: TypeError jQuery is not a function on console #84
  • Fixed: Google fonts not loading on PHP 8.0+ #83
  • Fixed: Conflict with the Google reCAPTCHA v3 #82
  • Fixed: Warning Undefined array key “advance_support” #80
  • Improvement : Add a label to the Exclude URL box #81
  • Improvement : Exclude Google analytics from js delay #62

1.0.11 (17 February 2023)

  • Fixed: Woocommerce payment page is not working. #77
  • Improvement : Remove plugin dependency from file_get_contents function #78

1.0.10 (02 February 2023)

  • Improvement: Optimized code and fixed frontend js issue

Full changelog available at changelog.txt