Creative Tag Cloud


Make your WordPress site stand out with a colorful tag cloud. Display your tags in a spiral or in waves.

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Features | Documentation | Latest Development Blog Post

This plugin provides two tag clouds:

  1. Display your tags in a spiral, starting outside from the most-used tags.
  2. Display your tags in horizontal waves, starting left from the most-used tags.

These tag clouds can be inserted in posts and pages with shortcodes or in widget areas with widgets.

Please don’t expect the tag clouds to look perfect out of the box. There is a variety of parameters to fine-tune the size, the number of waves, cycles, distances and so on and you will need to adjust them to the number of tags, the available space and so on.

You can find more information on the plugin website.

The documentation is available here.

If you find this plugin useful, please give it a 5-star rating. Thank you!


  • Spiral tag cloud

  • Wave tag cloud

  • Widget


  1. Find the plugin in the list in the admin backend and click to install it. Or, upload the ZIP file through the admin backend. Or, upload the unzipped creative-tag-cloud folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.

  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.

  3. Insert one of the shortcodes or use a widget.

You can find more details on the plugin website.


Can I use the tag clouds with colors?

Yes. The plugin comes with a default palette that can be activated in the widget or by adding color=1 to the shortcode. You will need some basic skills in CSS for custom colors.

Can I use a spiral that goes from the center to the edge?

Sorry, that is not possible.

Can I use waves that go from the right side to the left?

Sorry, that is not possible.

Do these tag clouds look the same in all browsers?

I briefly tested them in all modern browsers. There may, however, be small differences how they render.


2020년 7월 26일 답글 1개
This plugin simply broke my site, it would keep trying to load over and over and never get it done. Detail: tested on a brand new wordpress site, with few plugins and everything up to date.
2020년 2월 7일 답글 1개
Simple to use, nice effect and spices up the tag cloud of my theme.
2020년 1월 25일 답글 1개
easy to use and produces stunning tag clouds
모든 2 평가 읽기

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Bug Fix

  • Fixed deprecation notice for PHP 8.0



  • Better protection against other plugins messing up the design by changing the sort order of tags



  • New shortcode parameter “hide_empty”. Set to 0 if you want to show also tags that are not used with groups


  • Fixed wrong documentation for shortcode



  • Improved handling of font sizes with new parameters largest and smallest. Retired parameter font_size_factor.
  • Renamed parameter number to amount for better consistency across WP.
  • Fixed errors in the documentation.

Older Versions

The complete changelog is available here.