

이 플러그인은 2020년 4월 15일(으)로 폐쇄되었고 내려받기가 불가능합니다. 이 폐쇄는 영구적입니다. 사유: 사용되지 않음.


2018년 7월 10일
This plugin is amazing. Why on earth would they not let you turn off custmoizer.....thanks Wordpress. And awesome plugin that is still working today. Thanks for keeping it available.
2017년 4월 6일
This is a great plugin for removing all the Customizer stuff that in my opinion isn't great for highly customized, full-custom themes. For instance, hey client, please don't change yer theme on yer custom corporate site! Well done.
2017년 11월 12일
It does what it promises and well done. Uno de los mejores plugins del repositorio de Me encanta poder eliminar la porqueria inservible. deveria tener esta herramienta por defecto. Si los de quieren parecer Wix , adelante. Ya hace tiempo que desde fuera se aprecia que esas "mejoras" y "maravillosos" cambios solo van enfocadas a que consiga parecer lo que no es, o mas ingresos. PD: Es ridiculo tener que recurrir al .org o al .com para poder distinguir un sistema de codigo abierto de un servicio de pago que se aprovecha del primero.
2017년 1월 18일
The only remaining use of customizer for tailored themes built specifically for client needs that have no customizer support or need for it is confusion. Customizer should be enabled or disabled per theme to avoid confusing UX and unnecessary UI. Unfortunately until that day, we'll have to rely on plugins such as this.
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