Reset theme customizations made via WordPress Customizer in one click. Works with 99% of themes, including WPZOOM themes and popular themes like Divi, Astra.”
This plugin removes all theme modifications that are registered via Customizer API.
Works with all themes and plugins that use theme_mod settings type for storing modifications.
Please keep in mind that some themes uses different method to save customizer settings, let us know if this plugin isn’t compatible with your theme.
📌 What’s new in version **1.1**?
Get Involved
Looking to contribute code to this plugin? Go ahead and fork the repository over at GitHub.
What type of customizer settings are reset?
Theme settings saved as
will be reset. -
Why did the plugin not reset a particular setting?
- Setting is not registered correctly via Customizer API
- Setting is using option type for storing values
Is reset reversible?
No. Once you reset theme modifications you can not go back. You will need to redo all modifications from scratch.
Who built this plugin?
This handy plugin is brought to you by the team at WPZOOM.
기여자 & 개발자
- Add compatibility with Astra Theme
- Refactor code to use PHP Namespaces
- Add compatibility with Divi Theme Customizer settings
- Add PHP Docblocks for all functions
- Add automatic deploy to wordpress.org with GitHub Action
- Add PHP matrix test with GitHub Action
- Add LICENSE.md
- Add README.md
- Add support for WordPress Coding Standards
- Add support for PHPstan
- Add icon image 128 and 256 for wordpress.org
- Add GitHub templates for bug, features, and questions
- Add support for Composer
- Minor cleanup
- Initial Release