Dashboard Widgets Control


Provides a new dashboard widget to display all registered dashboard widgets and enables to remove the other dashboard widgets individually
for all or selected roles (i.e. even from the screen options) in order to avoid irritation of your clients or other site contributors.
When checked indiviually, widgets will be highlighted for identification of unknown widget names.
The intention is to avoid confusion how to handle the screen options to not show or how to interpret unknown or uninteresting dashboard widget content.
This plugin is self explanatory and can be accessed through the admin dashboard.


When will Q&As be available?

As soon as questions will have been raised…


2022년 1월 26일
I was looking for a simple plugin to control dashboard widgets and this could be it. The logic seems odd as I seem to have the widget disabled and then it's not when I disable something else so some help with config would be good. The UI is a bit cramped in a column and it would be good to be able to set globally for a specific role - i.e. select a role and then apply to all widgets instead of having to select for every widget every role. Great start and I look forward to seeing this develop!
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  • (Tweak) The role names will now be translated (as far as available).
  • Tested successfully with WordPress 6.4.

  • Tooltips optimization.
  • Global strings translation optimized.
  • Tested successfully with WordPress 5.7.2.

  • Correction: Achieve functional independence from widget position in the admin dashboard.
  • Compatibility improvement #1 for PHP 8.0.

  • Minor code correction.

  • Minor code improvements.

  • Tested ok with WordPress 5.7.

  • Smoothing of tooltips and more intuitive use of proper cursor styles.
  • Coding optimization.

  • Code improvements.

  • Tooltips added.

  • Added small button in the dashboard widget header to toggle highlighting also from there.
  • Additional hint/help for horizontal table moving on small screens.

  • Further optimized table format for small screens incl. horizontal moving.

  • On bulk deselect, remove the highlighting of the plugin and its list item as well (in case it was highlighted).

  • Tested ok with WordPress 5.6.2.

  • Pressing an individual widget ID table cell will toggle the highlighting of list items and related dashboard widgets (if currently visible) to reveal unknown widget names.
  • Optimized the highlighting.

  • Highlighting will not only concerrn the dashboard widgets but their respective list items as well.
  • Indication of dashboard widgets removed in own dashboard.
  • Table format further optimized.

  • Added a transparency feature to highlight all selected dashboard widgets (if they are currently visible) upon form “Reset…” and “Select/Deselect all”.
  • Added to display the dashboard widget title.
  • Clear initial activation message.

  • Added help tab on admin dashboard page to explain plugin usage.
  • Improved some plugin-texts

  • Added immediate marking of the related dashboard plugin upon individual checkbox check to reveal unknown widget names.

  • Minor table formatting improvements for small screens.

  • Added the option to remove dashboard widgets for all or certain roles.
  • Optimized the input data sanitization and the uniqueness of function names.

  • First stable version with all initial features.