DBlocks Lazyload for YouTube


GDPR friendly lazyload youtube player that load content only if user click on the play video

Key Features:

  • Icon styles: Choose between 6 icon styles to apply them globaly
  • Icon colors: Use WordPress Theme colors to apply on play button
  • Icon size: Define size of the play button
  • Custom play icon: Ability to upload your own SVG play icon.
  • Styles are global: Apply then once see changes across entire website
  • Thumbnail image quality choose what you will fetch from youtube
  • Custom thumbnail: Ability to upload your own thumbnail image.

Third-Party Services

This plugin integrates with YouTube’s services in the following ways:
– Fetches video thumbnail images from YouTube servers when displaying video previews
– Loads the YouTube video player and related scripts when a user clicks to play a video
– Communicates with YouTube’s servers to stream video content

For more information about YouTube’s services:
YouTube Service Homepage
YouTube Terms of Service
Google Privacy Policy (YouTube is owned by Google)

Why Choose YouTube Lazyload

  • GDPR friendly: It will not load google / youtube scripts unless user does not hit play button
  • Optimised page speed: It will laod image instead of entire video and youtube scripts on page load
  • its Free: There are other blocks like this but they are mostly payed


For more information about embeds:
Embed guide



이 플러그인은 1(을)를 제공합니다.

  • Youtube LazyLoad Block that load YouTube video scripts only if user clicks on the play button


  1. Upload the plugin files to the /wp-content/plugins/dblocks-lazyload-for-youtube directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly.
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ screen in WordPress
  3. Use Youtube LazyLoad from DBlocks group


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개발에 관심이 있으십니까?

코드 탐색하기는, SVN 저장소를 확인하시거나, 개발 기록RSS로 구독하세요.



  • Icon Colors were reverted on the front end.


  • Updated readme file.


  • Added option to upload custom thumbnail for extra privacy.


  • Added option to use custom icon. SVG will be sanitized on upload. You will not able to recolor custom icon. Style it before upload.
  • Color, size, style, quality, icon type, svg content are now global settings.
  • Quality is now pre block settings. It will use heighers quality and you can lower it if some video does not support it.
  • Fixed issue with container id if block is duplicated. It was causing play video in first block.


  • Ability to use custom icon.
  • Moved colors under “Played icon panel”
  • Updated button styles for choosing icons


  • Assets update.


  • Limited number of tags to 5


  • Added assets.


  • Release