Delivery Drivers Manager


Developed by PowerfulWP | Premium | Documents

This plugin must have the following plugins activated on your WordPress:

Manage Delivery Drivers

Allow your delivery drivers manager to manage the delivery process.

Front-End Mobile-Friendly Dashboard

Allow your delivery drivers manager to manage drivers with a front-end dashboard that can be accessed from any device like mobile tablet or desktop, with no need to access your admin panel.

Manage Orders

Allow your delivery drivers manager to assign delivery drivers to orders, update order statuses, and more.

New User Role for Delivery Driver Manager.

Create a new delivery driver manager user and assign drivers to him.


Check out the Delivery Drivers Manager Premium plugin.
The premium plugin includes the following additional features:

Delivery Drivers Manager Dashboard

The dashboard lets the manager better view all his drivers and orders.
Dashboard Includes:
* How many orders each driver has in each status.
* How many orders don’t have a driver.
* How many orders are ready to claim.
* A list of all the active drivers, availability, and claim permissions. The manager can update all statuses in one click.

Delivery Drivers Routes

The delivery drivers manager can plan the delivery routes on a map, view duration, distance, and more.

Manage Delivery Drivers

The delivery drivers manager can view all his active drivers’ info, availability, and claim permission. The manager can update each status easily with one click.

Manage Orders

Bulk Updates – The delivery drivers manager can bulk assign drivers to orders and update orders status.
Filters – The delivery drivers manager can filter orders with several options.

Delivery Drivers Manager Reports

The delivery drivers manager can see the drivers’ commissions report, and he can set his driver’s commissions rates and more.


SVG created by fontawesome –
Design vector created by freepik –


  • Premium – Delivery Drivers Manager Dashboard.
  • Premium – Delivery Drivers Routes.
  • Premium – Manage Delivery Drivers.
  • Premium – Manage Orders.
  • Premium – Manage Order.
  • Premium – Delivery Drivers Manager Reports.


  1. Make a backup of your website and database
  2. Download the plugin
  3. Upload the plugin to the wp-content/plugins directory,
  4. Go to “plugins” in your WordPress admin, then click activate.
  5. Go to users page on the admin panel and create a new user with a delivery manager role.
  6. On the edit user page set Manager account status to active and choose a manager drivers option.
  7. Go to the local delivery plugin settings and click on the Manager settings tab
  8. On this page you have the delivery manager panel link, send it to the delivery manager.
  9. The delivery manager can log in to the delivery manager panel and start working.


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  • Initial release.


  • Add: Status processing status.


  • Fix: wordpress coding standard.
  • Add: Initial to wordpress repository.


  • Tweak: Premium – manager can create their own delivery drivers.


  • Fix: Orders Filter.


  • Fix: Bulk orders update.


  • Add: Coordinates support.
  • Add: WordPress 5.8 support.


  • Add: admin menu.
  • Fix: Restrict other manager orders.
  • Tweak: admin dashboard.
  • Tweak: Premium – Manager initial screen branding.

= 1.1.0
* Tweak: Premium – Plan Delivery Routes for Drivers.

= 1.1.1
* Fix: Route screen.

= 1.1.2
* Tweak: Premium – Driver tracking.
* Fix: Style.
* Add: Functions file.
* Add: Create panel page function.

= 1.1.4
* Tweak: Premium – Add support for pickup locations.

= 1.1.5
* Fix: Premium – fix get_pickup_type.

= 1.1.6
* Fix: Freemius SDK security fix.

= 1.1.7
* Tweak: Show custom order numbers on the manager panel.

= 1.1.8
* Tweak: Freemius SDK 2.5.6
* Tweak: WordPress 6.2

= 1.1.9
* Tweak: Updated to the latest version of Freemius SDK.
* Fix: Enhanced route query performance.
* Fix: Removed duplicate functions.

= 1.2.0
* Tweak: Woocommerce HPOS feature support.
* Tweak: Freemius SDK version 2.7.1.

= 1.2.1
* Fix: Readme file.
* Fix: Functions file include.

= 1.2.2
* Fix: orders queries.
* Fix: Removed the pwddm_orders_query function.