이 플러그인은 최근 3개의 주요 워드프레스 출시와 시험 되지 않았습니다. 워드프레스의 좀 더 최근 버전으로 이용할 때 더 이상 관리되지 않고 지원되지 않고 호환성 문제가 있을 수 있습니다.

Disable WordPress Events and News Dashboard Widget


This plugin automatically disables WordPress Events and News widget from the dashboard. By removing, you also prevent all external requests widgets makes so that it can work.

It is a very lightweight, it has no settings, just activate it and it works immediately.

And it’s on GitHub.


2019년 5월 9일
I think a way to delete it along time ago , and now i found this , perfect <3 Thanks you & keep update this plugin
2017년 11월 15일
Disabling the events and news dashboard widget, has minor gains on wp-admin load times.
2017년 6월 30일
Thank you for this! This new feature of WordPress kept generating warnings, reporting connection errors to their servers. It is good to get rid of both the log messages and the all those useless connections.
모든 4 평가 읽기

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