Douban Collections provides a douban collections (books, movies, musics) page for WordPress, just put “[douban_collections]” in your Post or Page to show the douban books collections page. This tag support 2 parameters: “category” and “with_user_info”. For example, you can put “[douban_collections category=”movie” with_user_info=”true”]” to show the movies collections page with douban user info.
Douban Collections (豆瓣收藏) 是一个WordPress插件。用户可以把豆瓣中想读、在读、读过的书籍,想看、看过的电影作为WordPress的一个页面显示,支持自定义显示书籍数量和显示样式。 在WordPress的post或page里面加上 “[douban_collections]” 即可显示带用户信息的“豆瓣收藏”书籍页面。 同时支持category和with_user_info两个参数,比如“[douban_collections category=”movie” with_user_info=”true”]”可以显示带用户信息的电影页面。
View live demo
For latest update, please check github repository:
- Upload and unpack the douban-collections plugin to wordpress plugin directory “wp-content/plugins/douban-collections”
- Activate Douban Collections plugin on your Plugins page in Site Admin.
- Create a “Douban” page (use “Page Full Width” template to get more width)
- Put “[douban_collections]” in the content and save it. (the default is [douban_collections category=”book” with_user_info=”true”], also support movie: [douban_collections category=”movie”])
- Set your douban user id or username and tweak configuration and settings on Douban Collections page in Site Admin Settigns section
- Check the newly created page, enjoy
- 解压 douban-collections 插件到 wordpress plugin 目录 **”wp-content/plugins/douban-collections”**
- 在后台插件管理界面激活 **Douban Collections** 插件
- 创建一个 “Douban” 的页面,如果主题支持的话,建议使用没有边栏(sidebar)的page template,以获得最宽的展示页面
- 在上面创建的页面里加上 “[douban_collections]” 并保存,此默认等同于“[douban_collections category=”book” with_user_info=”true”]”,显示电影可使用“[douban_collections category=”movie”]”
- 在后台插件管理设置界面自定义 **Douban Collections** 插件,务必填上您的豆瓣用户id或username
- 访问刚创建的页面,have fun
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기여자 & 개발자
- added a option to enable load plugin resources only in specific pages and posts, thus increase load speed of other pages and posts.
- tiny UI tweak in plugin admin setting page, make it compatible with the Refreshed Administative UI of wordpress 3.2.
- make the plugin compatible with wordpress 3.2.
- fixed an issue which happens when collections is empty
- minor bug fixing
- added movie “watching” status support
- added movie collections support
- added 2 parameters (category, with_user_info) for [douban_collections]
- added an option to allow user to custom the display stylesheets, these customizations won’t be lost after plugin update.
- added options for users to control how many “reading”, “read” and “wish” books to show up in the collections page
- stripslashes collection status text
- use api key while calling douban api
- added douban user info
- display totally 500 books (reading, read, wish) at maximum
- Initial import the working copy of my blog douban collections page: http://blog.samsonis.me/douban/