이 플러그인은 최근 3개의 주요 워드프레스 출시와 시험 되지 않았습니다. 워드프레스의 좀 더 최근 버전으로 이용할 때 더 이상 관리되지 않고 지원되지 않고 호환성 문제가 있을 수 있습니다.

Easy Post View Counter


With this plugin you can see how many views a single post has.
Just link on the All Post link in the left menu
No need for adding codes anywhere, just plug’n’play


  1. Download the zip file.
  2. Extract the zip file. you will now get a folder called EasyPostViewCounter
  3. Upload the EasyPostViewCounter folder to wp-content/plugins/
  4. Activate Easy Post View Counter under admin menu
  5. Done! you are now able to see how many views you posts has


Where can i see the counter

Under All Posts there is a column, it only shows a digits, which is the amount of times the post has been viewed.

Can i see how many times the post has been view before installing this plugin

No, this plugin will not show views before it was installed.

How can I reset the counter?

Under Custome Fields, there is a entry called EasyPostViewCounter, change the value of that one to 0. There is no way to reset all posts yet

Will it count my own views?

No it will only count views for non administrators.


이 플러그인에 대한 평가가 없습니다.

기여자 & 개발자

“Easy Post View Counter”(은)는 오픈 소스 소프트웨어입니다. 다음의 사람들이 이 플러그인에 기여하였습니다.


자국어로 “Easy Post View Counter”(을)를 번역하세요.

개발에 관심이 있으십니까?

코드 탐색하기는, SVN 저장소를 확인하시거나, 개발 기록RSS로 구독하세요.


Version 1.2.3

  • Fixed counting issue

Version 1.2.2

  • Fixed issue where posts are being counted multible times.
  • Tested with WP 4.1.1

Version 1.2.1

  • Ensured that this version worked with WordPress 4.0

Version 1.1

  • Made it possible to sort post be views.

Version 1.0

  • First released version