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Easy Shortcode Creator by WpPug


Creating shortcodes in WordPress has become much easier with this plugin! Use it to create and replicate content as if it were an PHP include.


This plugin allows you to easily replicate redudant information/data on different pages by defining them as shortcodes. You can use any type of content, like Text, HTML or Javascript.

It has now become easier to reuse content without having to edit code or manually editing on multiple pages. This plugin is useful when you need to display a block of content on several different pages, for example, display the same text on certain pages or different posts, put a block of instructions that can be modified, a disclaimer, etc. Basically any content you want to copy and replicate on multiple pages, as if it were a PHP include. If you edit it, all pages with the shortcode will be updated with the new content.

It works very simply:
* Create a new Custom Post Type, where you can create content as if it were a normal post.
* Generate a Shortcode for this new created post.
* When you write the shortcode on another page, the created content will be displayed.
* When this post is edited, content will be automatically updated on all pages with the shortcode.
* You can create as many shortcodes as you want.

Installation Instructions

  1. Upload easy-shortcode-creator-by-wppug folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
  3. Click on the Easy Shortcode Creator link from the main menu
  4. Click on “Create new Shortcode”, create your first replicable content and publish.
  5. Copy the generated shortcode and paste it into another page or post to display the content.


이 플러그인에 대한 평가가 없습니다.

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