Easy WP Meta Description


This plugin lets the user write a separate description for each post, page, front page or custom post type post which is added as a meta description to the html head.

The individual description for a post or page is typed and edited in a separate text field just below the text field for editing the post text.

You can also add meta description to category, tag and custom taxonomy archive as well as front page.

To add description to a category, go to Dashboard > Posts > Categories. Select a category in the table to the wright or create a new category. Type the description in the text field Description, Weather or not this description will be viewed for visitors on the site is up to each theme. The Easy WP Meta Description plugin will add the description as meta information in the html head.

Descriptions for tag and custom taxonomies are edited in similar fashion.

To edit a front page description you would go to Dashboard > Settings > General and edit Front page meta description.
If you use a static page as Front page the static page Meta description will be used and Front page meta description at general setting will now show.

This plugin relies on the wp_head() action hook. It will only work if the theme uses it. Most themes do.

When deleted uninstall script runs which deletes all changes in the database perfomed by the plugin.
If you dont want to delete your descriptions and other settings only deactivate and dont delete.

Tested with Gutenberg.


  • Type your description


워드프레스 알림판에서

Go to Dashboard > Plugins > Add New
Search for ‘Easy WP Meta Description’
Click install
Click Activate Plugin


Download the package from wordpress.org Plugin Directory
Unzip the files
Upload the unzipped files with FTP to the plugin directory in your wordpress installation
Go to Dashboard > Plugins to activate


How to translate the plugin?

Use the file wp-content/plugins/easy-wp-meta-description/languages/easy-wp-meta-description.pot and Poedit to create a .mo file for your language. Put the file in wp-content/plugins/easy-wp-meta-description/languages.


2024년 7월 24일 답글 1개
Thanks for the easy and useful plugin.Best of luck!
2020년 12월 27일
This plugin does one thing only – exactly what it says. All the other plugins I tried including All in One SEO want to reconfigure your site. And it’s still hard to update the meta description. This plugin is lightweight and does exactly what it says without taking over other plugins.
2020년 11월 27일
простой и лаконичный плагин. ничего лишнего)
모든 14 평가 읽기

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코드 탐색하기는, SVN 저장소를 확인하시거나, 개발 기록RSS로 구독하세요.


1.1 Character count function added

1.2 Field for edit Front page meta description has been added.
Uninstall script added which deletes all changes in database

1.2.1 Character count function added to front page form field

1.2.2 Plugin and author url changed

1.2.3 Meta description disabled when pagination to avoid duplicate meta description

1.2.4 Improved handling of javascript Bugfix Bugfix

1.2.5 Changed priority in wp_head to make the meta description come closer to title in source code

1.2.6 Added functions for escaping output