이 플러그인은 최근 3개의 주요 워드프레스 출시와 시험 되지 않았습니다. 워드프레스의 좀 더 최근 버전으로 이용할 때 더 이상 관리되지 않고 지원되지 않고 호환성 문제가 있을 수 있습니다.

FX Live Prices


FX Live Prices WordPress Plugin provides live forex rates and indicators and cross-exchange rates. Prices quote update frequency is 1-5 seconds. It is a simple solution to embed forex widgets and all tools are within the WordPress dashboard.


The plugin has been providen by FXpricing, and using websocket for live quotes from FCS API. All forex data are display in HTML <iframe> source from third party service FXpricing.com.


Real-time Prices, API data, Market trends, and signals are not designed for trading purposes, Data displayed for informational and educational purposes only and should not be considered as investment advice. The Plugin can not guarantee that forex prices and data are always accurate nor real-time. Our currency rate and data not for, trade software, investments, or any business with a high level of risk involved.

Please see Terms of use and Privacy policy


  1. Fully Responsive.
  2. Prices Update 1-5 seconds.
  3. 2000+ Currency supports
  4. No need coding knowledge.
  5. Shortcode support (post and pages).
  6. Very easy to install and use.
  7. And more features will be updated on the future.

Use a Plugin

  1. In your WordPress Admin Menu, go to “Forex Widget” -> Add New”.
  2. Select your widget format from dropdown.
  3. Update your custom settings.
  4. Publish your widget.
  5. Copy shortcode and paste it where the widget is to be displayed in Post or Pages.


For any query and support, you can contact at support@fcsapi.com or live chat at fcsapi.com


  • Live currency rates with Ask and bid
  • Currency cross rates
  • Live FX OHLC
  • Moving average lines signals with time period


  1. First download plugin zip file.
  2. In your WordPress Admin Menu, go to “Plugins > Add” New.
  3. Click on “Upload Plugin” button, found on top left corner of page.
  4. Click on Browse (1), Select the .zip file of your plugin in your computer, and click Install Now (2) button.
  5. At this point, the plugin is installed. You can click on Activate Plugin link to work with it.
  6. Or Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress


How many FX currencies support?

2000+ currency are supported, but top 400 FX currency has live exchange rates with 1 seconds update frequency.

How many FX currencies we can show on-site?

There are multiple widgets in a plugin, if any widgets support multiple currencies then there is no limit.

From where you get live rates?

We get live rates from third-party fcsapi.com API and show in <iframe> from source fxpricing.com in WP site.

Is it free to use?


Why live rates are not updating?

Check if today is not weekends or a holiday because the market is closed. else you can contact us


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