이 플러그인은 최근 3개의 주요 워드프레스 출시와 시험 되지 않았습니다. 워드프레스의 좀 더 최근 버전으로 이용할 때 더 이상 관리되지 않고 지원되지 않고 호환성 문제가 있을 수 있습니다.

GG Infucaptcha reCaptcha for Infusionsoft


NOTICE: This plugin will no longer be supported nor updated. Infusionsoft has now added Google’s reCaptcha into their forms natively, so this plugin is no longer needed.

Infusionsoft® has a native captcha you can insert into web forms, but it’s not user-friendly, blocks submissions, and is ugly. With the new reCAPTCHA API, Google has released a captcha that the bulk of your users will only have to check a box to pass, optimizing opt-ins while protecting you from inserting spam into your Infusionsoft automation.

As a bonus, activating this plugin in an Infusionsoft web form will also set up basic HTML5 form validation for it.

Requires PHP 5.2+ for json support


  • Settings panel
  • Web form on a page with alternate language and dark theme selected as options
  • Web form in a widget
  • Adding shortcode to post


  1. Upload the gg-infucaptcha directory to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. WordPress의 ‘플러그인’ 메뉴에서 플러그인을 활성화하세요.
  3. Enter your Google reCAPTCHA keys in the settings
  4. Use the [infucaptcha] shortcode


Installation Instructions
  1. Upload the gg-infucaptcha directory to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. WordPress의 ‘플러그인’ 메뉴에서 플러그인을 활성화하세요.
  3. Enter your Google reCAPTCHA keys in the settings
  4. Use the [infucaptcha] shortcode
How do I insert the captcha?
  1. Cut and paste the “HTML Code (unstyled)” version of the web form into your WordPress post or page using the “Text” tab (NOT the Visual tab). Do NOT use any other version of the web form. They will not work with this plugin.
  2. Place the shortcode [infucaptcha] in your post or page just above where you pasted the web form.
Can this be used in a widget?

Yes, anywhere a shortcode is supported, you can insert the captcha.

Are there any requirements for the form code?

The plugin works by looking for certain markup in a standard Infusionsoft form. To insert correctly, you must leave all of the Infusionsoft classes intact in the web form code. You are free to add additional classes, but do not remove the ones already in place. In addition, for HTML5 validation to take place, you must have a “label” tag, and the text within that label tag must include an asterisk for a required field. By default, this is how Infusionsoft forms are built, so you would have to do nothing to the form to have it validate.

At a bare minimum, you will need to have the “infusion-submit” class in an element before the submit button (i.e. a div), and the “infusion-form” class applied to the form element.

See the support page at https://www.geekgoddess.com/recaptcha-for-infusionsoft-wordpress-plugin/ for more answers.


2017년 3월 8일
It works well and saved me a lot of time. Thank you, Geek Goddess!
2016년 9월 3일
After many chats with Infusionsoft’s staff on how to make their form’s captcha area better and readable (not their default 90’s captcha design), they provided no solutions or customization. I stumbled on to this plugin within one of the Infusionsoft forums. Not only is it easy to implement, Google’s recaptcha looks better and is easier for people to fill out than Infusionsoft’s default captcha. Great work GG!
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  • Notification that the plugin will be abandoned because Infusionsoft is now adding reCaptcha natively


  • Removed duplicate “Settings Saved” message


  • Updated error checking and moved plugin settings to plugin settings menu


  • Updated json function call and added in error checking


  • 초기 릴리즈