이 플러그인은 최근 3개의 주요 워드프레스 출시와 시험 되지 않았습니다. 워드프레스의 좀 더 최근 버전으로 이용할 때 더 이상 관리되지 않고 지원되지 않고 호환성 문제가 있을 수 있습니다.

GlobalizeIt Translate


Using GlobalizeIt, your website becomes editable for globalization. Any translators from around the world, yours, ours or those of a third party, need only go to your website, login, double-click on a line of text on your website, translate it directly inline on the site, and then publish the changes immediately in order to translate your site into any language. No coding needed. It’s a professional website translation made as easy as it gets.
But translation is only half the story. GlobalizeIt allows you to perform marketization as well. You can visually select any segment of the site and conditionally suppress it or alter it for a given market – ie a given country or target language . You can visually replace images and styles, change the font sizes in certain areas and make containers stretch to accommodate longer text. All without any programming.

AI and Human Translation

You can auto-translate individual areas of text, or the whole thing, which will use Google Translate’s translation engine, and then fix up the mistakes. Or you can start with human translation from the beginning – your choice.

SEO Optimization

We inject information to let Google know how to find all the translated versions of a given page, and let you import and alter meta tags and titles, for SEO optimization. People from other countries will be able to search for content in their language, and your pages will come up.

Enterprise Level Translation

We can handle huge retail websites with tens of thousands of product pages, receiving very high traffic. We have unique ways of allocating and distributing content files, as well as placing those files on an edge-caching node very close to your end-user, so that despite any megabytes of text on a large website, the experience for your users going to any given page is always lightening-fast. We have ways that allow searches and sorts to work on the translated text of underlying products, as well as ways to integrate email translation with our tools.

Your Choice of Translators

You can choose to use our translators, your own translators, bilingual people in your company, your users, translators in a 3rd party translation company, or direct integration with crowd-sourcing mass translation services like Gengo.

DOM Listener

Our DOM Listener listens to javascript-initiated changes on the page and translates them on the spot with human-translated strings, before they appear in the original language.

In Context and Strings List Views

You can translate and marketize a site directly on the page itself, or you can use the Strings List View ‘behind’ the web page where you can work with a well-organized list of all strings that appear on that page.


  • Inline Editing
  • List View Editor


  1. Visit the plugins page within your dashboard and select ‘Add New’
  2. Search for ‘GlobalizeIt Translate’
  3. Click “Install” button on the plugin page
  4. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
  5. Click on “Settings” under GlobalizeIt Translate in plugin section of you WordPress Admin Dashboard
  6. Enter your “Client Key” and click “Save”

About “Client Key”
Your client key is available at https://www.globalizeit.com/Account/Projects
If you do not have an existing account, you will have to create a new account with GlobalizeIt at https://www.globalizeit.com/signup


Is GlobalizeIt Free?

GlobalizeIt is free for use with websites having less than 20K page views per month with only 1 translation language.
Paid plans are available for more languages or higher page views.

How do I contact support?

You can reach us at support@globalizeit.com

I would like a demo

You can request a demo from this page https://www.globalizeit.com/RequestADemo


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