이 플러그인은 최근 3개의 주요 워드프레스 출시와 시험 되지 않았습니다. 워드프레스의 좀 더 최근 버전으로 이용할 때 더 이상 관리되지 않고 지원되지 않고 호환성 문제가 있을 수 있습니다.

Headline Analyzer


Are you looking for an easy way to write eye-catching headlines that reach & convert more readers?

The Headline Analyzer Studio plugin helps you quickly optimize your headlines to hook readers & boost engagement…without ever leaving WordPress.

Don’t struggle to get satisfactory views, clicks, engagement, and conversions on your WordPress content.

Create or connect your Headline Analyzer Studio account to your WordPress account for your whole team to use. Then score & improve your headlines based on proven data from millions of existing headlines.

Your content will be more likely to rank higher & become more visible in search, driving traffic back to your brand and converting more readers into customers.

Analyze your headlines directly in the posts you write

Score your headlines on their likelihood to appeal to readers & rank in search based on data from millions of headlines. Then optimize them to hook more readers & rank higher.

Write and analyze side-by-side with your team

Share one Headline Analyzer Studio account across your entire team. Just connect the plugin once and your team can analyze headlines directly inside WordPress, no matter who’s logged in.

See all your headline scores together

Get an overall view of the Headline Analyzer Score & SEO Score for each of your headlines, right on your Posts page. Easily keep track of analyzed headlines to make sure every headline is a top performer.

Connect the Headline Analyzer Studio plugin to confidently create headlines that reach & convert more readers into customers.



이 플러그인은 1(을)를 제공합니다.

  • Headline Analyzer


You can install Headline Studio via the WordPress.org plugin directory or manually by uploading the files to your server.


How does the Headline Analyzer Studio plugin work?

Headline Analyzer Studio synchronizes your WordPress posts, author, and category information to its servers, but all of your WordPress data remains in WordPress. Headline Analyzer Studio will update that WordPress data as you direct, but the data always remains in WordPress. Headline data you create in Headline Analyzer Studio will be stored on CoSchedule’s servers, and never in WordPress.

How do I start using the Headline Analyzer Studio plugin?

After you create or sign into your Headline Analyzer Studio account, you can connect the Headline Analyzer Studio plugin. If you have any issues with your account, please reach out to support at support@coschedule.com.

How much does Headline Analyzer Studio cost?

You can analyze standard headlines in Headline Analyzer Studio for free. Premium features are available in Headline Studio Pro. Pricing information is available in Headline Analyzer Studio.


2024년 4월 2일 답글 1개
I notised my headlines needed to improve to drive up the CTR for my pages. I did not matter that I ranked nr1 if CTR is low, I would drop in a matter of days in rankings. After I started using this plugin I noticed a big improvement in CTR. My titles perform much better. Not only in SEO serp, but also on YouTube. I like the AI features that lets you tweak already good headlines to become great. Big recommend!
2024년 1월 26일 답글 1개
Headline Studio creates standout headlines and is a great teacher. With each test headline, discover insights for growth that help you start the following headline with a deepening understanding.
2023년 8월 9일 답글 1개
for now i will give you some stars pending how my experience will be
2023년 4월 10일 답글 1개
I’ve used Headline Analyzer for a few years now, and I appreciate being able to get feedback on my headlines in real time. I’ve even used it for subject lines. When you enter an option for a headline, you get recommendations and links to resources that point you in the right direction. Seeing your headline score go up as you enter better copy is oddly satisfying.
모든 14 평가 읽기

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코드 탐색하기는, SVN 저장소를 확인하시거나, 개발 기록RSS로 구독하세요.



  • security improvements


  • security improvements


  • security updates


  • security updates


  • Update WordPress compatibility version and security updates


  • Update wordpress compatibility version


  • Alert banners for improved visibility


  • Bugfix for Gutenberg sidebar interface.


  • Add analyze buttons to publish meta box. Fix plugin incompatibility issues.


  • Update platform query param


  • Fixes namespace collision


  • Change query param for visibility purposes


  • Add link to readme.txt


  • Fixes incorrect url


  • Adds setup links to plugin management page


  • Initial release