** Bulk Fix Feature added in version 2.0 to update all existing users **
Secures your wp site from hackers by hiding username of members from front side. Force user signup form to accept first name and last name, then uses the combination to replace author’s display name, url slug and nick name to hide the username from frontside, also updates the url slug on user profile update.
Help me improve the plugin.
Please report any bug / issues / suggestion in support forum and I would be more than happy to fix it right a way.
Hire plugin author for your WordPress Development.
Visit official website for this plugin at Mindstien Technologies.
- Install the plugin and activate from plugins page. Thats pretty easy.
- How this plugin works ?
This plugin simply replaces default author url slug, display name with the combination of firstname and lastname to hide the actual user name of author from front side.
기여자 & 개발자
자국어로 “Hide Username Front Side”(을)를 번역하세요.
개발에 관심이 있으십니까?
2.0: ** Bulk Fix Feature added in version 2.0 to update all existing users **
1.0: New plugin launched.