Image horizontal reel scroll slideshow


Image horizontal reel scroll slideshow plugin lets you showcase images in a horizontal scroll style. Scroll will start automatically.

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Image horizontal reel scroll slideshow plugin lets you showcase images in a horizontal scroll style. Scroll will start automatically. Slideshow will pause on mouse over. Most of the user requested this type of scroll so I have created this plugin.

Features of this plugin

  • Easy to customize.
  • Support all browser.
  • Automatically pauses on mouse over.
  • Short code available for pages and posts.
  • Hyperlink option to each images.
  • Image order option available.
  • Option to set spacing between images.
  • Easy to change the background color of scroll.
  • Supports localization. Plugin *.po file (ihrss.po) available in the languages folder.

Plugin configure

We have three options to install and configure this Image horizontal reel scroll slideshow plugin.

  • Drag and drop the widget to your sidebar
  • Add the gallery into the posts or pages using shortcode.
  • Add directly in the theme usinh plugin PHP code.

Frequently asked questions

  • Q1. How to arrange the width & height of the slideshow?
  • Q2. How to change the slideshow speed?
  • Q3. Where to upload my image?
  • Q4. How to group the images for different gallery?
  • Q5. How the slide show manages the order?
  • Q6. Is possible to load images in the random order?
  • Q6. How to setup this plugin in WordPress Multi-Site website?



  • Front End.

  • Plugin Admin 1.

  • Plugin Admin 2.


  • Q1. How to arrange the width & height of the slideshow?
  • Q2. How to change the slideshow speed?
  • Q3. Where to upload my image?
  • Q4. How to group the images for different gallery?
  • Q5. How the slide show manages the order?
  • Q6. Is possible to load images in the random order?
  • Q6. How to setup this plugin in WordPress Multi-Site website?

FAQ Answers


2023년 2월 23일
Hi there! I like tit, but it doesnt shows the slideshow on an Iphone Xr. Is it posible to fix it?
2020년 7월 3일
It does exactly what it says. It works straight from the box with loaded example. The only one thing that would even make it better would be the arrows on the left and right hand side if there are more images to speed it up and not to wait for long for one image that you want to see which is maybe at the end of the row.
2019년 8월 13일 1 reply
So far I haven't been able to find another plugin that will handle images with different widths. This plugin has been doing the job on our website for a number of years now without a hitch. It's a bit jerky because of the JS technique used, but I suspect this is unavoidable because the images are different sizes. I'm guessing that the carousel plugins that require regularly sized images are able to use a different technique.
2017년 11월 7일
I spent a LOT of time looking for a plugin that would do what my client asked for. THIS IS IT! I was elated to find that it not only existed but was also kept alive with updates. Thanks for putting your efforts into creating this fun plugin!
2017년 3월 13일
I've used this plugin a few times, and while the set-up is not all that intuitive it works an absolute treat - much better than any other sliding carousel-type plugins (free or premium) I've found/used. What would be great is an option to make it 100% width/responsive. Then it would be perfect.
2017년 1월 7일
I downloaded this plugin for 4.7, and with the theme which I am using (Stargazer) I was directed to the bottom of the page to where this widget opened out by default. No biggie, I would have changed the location via my child theme's style sheet. But what happened before I could do any of that is: I changed the sample pics to some of my own samples, changed the widget's size and speed via dashboard settings, and next thing I know the horizontal scrolling is now broken and instead of scrolling pictures, it now zooms into the top-right corner of the first picture. Not a good start for a mere change of settings. 2 stars, only because it worked to some extent at the start.
모든 26 평가 읽기

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Bug fix


  1. Tested up to 6.4


  1. Tested up to 5.9


  1. Tested up to 5.8
  2. Use plugin short code in the widget.


  1. Tested up to 5.7


  1. Tested up to 5.5


  1. Tested up to 5.4


  1. Now its Responsive. Width option is removed.
  2. Enhancement in the JavaScript.
  3. Now target link is option field.


  1. Tested up to 5.3


  1. Tested up to 5.2
  2. Uninstall option added. All plugin reference and plugin table will be cleared during uninstallation.
  3. Converted admin JS alert message into WP class file.


  1. Tested up to 4.9


  1. Tested up to 4.8


  1. Tested up to 4.7


  1. Fixed design issue for wordpress theme twenty sixteen


  1. Tested up to 4.6


  1. Tested up to 4.5
  2. Sanitization added for all input value.


  1. Tested up to 4.4


  • Text Domain slug has been added for Language Packs.


  1. Tested up to 4.3


Image upload option is added in the plugin admin. With this option you can easily upload (or select from media) your images into this plugin.


  1. Tested up to 4.2.2


  1. Tested up to 4.1


  1. Tested up to 4.0


  1. Improved GAP between image option in the gallery. (Previously gap value was used only at the end of the roll, Now slideshow is using gap value between each image in the roll)
  2. Small appearance change in the admin.


  1. Tested up to 3.9
  2. Added some security feature.


  1. Tested up to 3.8 (Beta)
  2. Now this plugin supports localization (or internationalization). i.e. option to translate into other languages.
    Plugin *.po file (ihrss.po) available in the languages folder. Translators Welcome.
  3. Supports network multisite website.


  1. Special character issue has been fixed.
  2. Error in widget link has been fixed.


Tested up to 3.6
Added security feature.


Tested up to 3.5


Tested up to 3.4.2


New demo link,


Tested upto 3.4.1
Slight change in the short code, Please find the new short code for your gallery.


Solved plugin directory violations issue


Tested upto 3.4


Tested upto 3.3.1
Only admin user can access the menu


Tested upto 3.3


Tested upto 3.2.1


Target problem solved.


First version.