This plugin add additionnal settings to manage WordPress images
- Disable WordPress and its themes default sizes for generation at image upload
- Add and update custom sizes
- Regenerate (completely remove and recreate) all images to remove unused sizes and create new sizes for already uploaded images
- Lazy load images for speed performance
Automatic installation
- Navigate to the Plugins menu and click Add New.
- Type “Images Advanced Settings” in the search bar
- Click on Install when you found it, then Activate
- Navigate to the Settings menu, and click Images (advanced)
Manual installation
- Download plugin files
- Upload it to your webserver in your plugins directory. Follow WordPress Codex instructions.
- Navigate to the Plugins menu then Installed plugins and click Activate.
- Navigate to the Settings menu, and click Images (advanced)
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기여자 & 개발자
1.1.1 – 2018-12-16
- Bug fix when content is empty on front
1.1 – 2018-12-02
- Stop button for regeneration and deletion
- Lazy loading
- Examples images to show crop positions
- Regeneration by post type
- Regeneration for selected images only
- URL to add featured image
- Default featured image for all posts
- Image optimization