Inventive gravity forms tooltips, transforms gravity forms description into a tooltip.
When you hover on a gravity forms input, a tooltip will show.
To do: administrative options (colors, dimensions, position etc)
- Upload
to the/wp-content/plugins/
directory - 워드프레스의 ‘플러그인’ 메뉴에서 플러그인을 활성화하세요.
- Plugin will automatically create a box when hovering gravity forms field if description is available.
- I have a question of want to extend this plugin functionality
Just contact me at francesco@studioinventive.com
2016년 9월 3일
Doesn’t work yet. Running all latest revision of WP and plugins. Please advise?
2016년 9월 3일
It works without problem with gravity forms, inventive woocommerce discounts, inventive woocommerce text customizer.
It transforms description field into a tooltip, simple as that.
2016년 9월 3일
답글 2개
this plugin is very bed .. do not west your time
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