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IsSiY (Include second Sitemap into Yoast) WordPress SEO Extension


You need to use WordPress SEO by Yoast (Props to him!)

Adds “More Sitemaps” to your WordPress SEO Settings. If you are using a second WordPress-Installation in a subdirectory, you can now easily add the second Sitemap into the main one.

If you are using a second WordPress-installation in a subdirectory and want it to be fully integrated it into your main site to prevend struggeling with two or more Sitemaps in your Webmastertools,
you can easily integrate more sitemaps into your main one. (sitemap_index.xml)
The Plugin adds your second and third (aso) sitemap into the main sitemap and tooks care about the modification date automatically!

Thanks to Joost de Valk!


  1. Just upload and activate the plugin
  2. Switch to “SEO” in the admin-menu and find the new submenu “More Sitemaps”
  3. Add the URL(s) to the textfield
  4. Click the update-button.
  5. That’s all.


Can I include static generated sitemaps?

If you want.. But please set the moddate


Curl for wrapping the moddate


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  • Get’s the name IsSiY and is being published


  • The creation