Journity Installer


Journity is the first personalization tool designed specifically for non-profits. Increase donations and subscriptions by harnessing the power of personalization! Sign up today! This plugin installs the scripts necessary to run Journity on your website. Journity helps grow your Nonprofit through personalized engagement.


  • Plugin Installation Screen


You can install the Journity Plugin the same way you would any other WordPress plugin.

  1. In the WordPress dashboard, head to Plugins
  2. Click on “Add New”
  3. Click the “Upload Plugin” button
  4. Drag the zip file into the “Choose File” box, or click the “Choose File box and then navigate to where the zip is located.
  5. Install
  6. Activate
  7. Once active, enter the website associated with your Journity account. Don’t have a Journity Account? Sign up today!


What is Journity?

Journity is a service that gives nonprofit organizations the ability to create targeted calls to actions (cta’s) based on the behavior of users on the organization’s website. This gives the organization the ability to personalize cta’s based on the users Journey. Speaking to a user where they are in a 1-to-1 way like this increases subscriptions and donations in ways that a traditional 1-to-many approach simply can’t.

So, what does this plugin do?

Great question! This plugin helps you install the scripts necessary to use Journity on your website. These scripts are necessary to collect data in order to personalize the experience for your users. It will also let you display the CTA’s (we call them Waypoints).

What it won’t do: It won’t let you make the CTA’s for your website, that’s what your Journity Dashboard is for! Once you’ve set up your Waypoints, then the scripts this plugin installs will display your personalized messaging to only the users you specify!


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“Journity Installer”(은)는 오픈 소스 소프트웨어입니다. 다음의 사람들이 이 플러그인에 기여하였습니다.


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개발에 관심이 있으십니까?

코드 탐색하기는, SVN 저장소를 확인하시거나, 개발 기록RSS로 구독하세요.



  • Fix – Fixed an issue where waypoints could sometimes load in the WordPress admin.


  • Fix – This version fixes an issue introduced in 1.0.10 where the installer attempted to make all scripts load asynchronously rather than just Journity scripts.


  • Update – Your SEO will thank you for installing this update, Journity scripts now are set to load asynchronously!


  • Update – Journity is now faster than ever! We’ve made a lot of under the hood changes to Journity to keep your website running fast! In this version, we’ve updated the embedded scripts to the latest endpoints which will give you the most page-speed benefits possible.


  • Enhancement – Added Settings link to Plugin list page, to make it easier to find settings page.


  • Fix – Fixed an issue that occurred on WordPress installs in non-standard directories.
  • Enhancement – Added better instructions on how to find the Journity ID to activate the service.


  • Update links
  • Update readme


  • Updated readme


  • Updated readme
  • Clean up some unused code


  • Changed Name to Journity Installer
  • Fixed errors in readme


  • Updates to branding and links to create a free account.


  • Update: Updated the script paths


  • Initial Version