Create landing pages, A-B tests, or other types of pages using custom posts. Set background color, background image or video, amount of content columns and edit as a common post.
Important: Requires at least version 5.4.9 of PHP language
- Create ou convert native WordPress pages in ‘Landing Pages’.
- Add scripts inside the head and body tags of pages defined as landing page.
- Set a menu for your landing page using the default editor allowing for free customization, your creativity is the limit.
- Create sections to be included in landing pages, allowing you to create different page variations, A-B tests and content reuse;
- Customize sections by defining background and text colors, adding images or videos as background, and setting your placement.
- Português – Default!
- English: Must have!
- Thanks to Elliot Condon for developing [Advanced Custom Fields] plugin (https://www.advancedcustomfields.com) and allowing inclusion in this plugin. The “LPCCP” plugin uses a free version of ACF4 to create custom fields for custom posts and pages.
1 – Upload the file “landingpage-creator-with-custom-posts.zip” to the “/wp-content/plugins/” directory and unzip.
2 – In the “Plugins” menu, click “Enable” to enable it in the installation of WordPress.
3 – In the “Settings -> Landing Page Creator With Custom Posts” menu, select native WordPress pages to act as landing pages or create a new page in the “Landing Pages” menu.
4 – Create sections for this page in “Sections”. Add content, set background attributes such as “color,” “image,” and more.
5 – Go back to the page defined as landing page, go to “Sections to show” and select the sections you want. When finished save the page.
6 – Ready. Now just view the page, make corrections and adaptations to be in your liking.
- How does the plugin work?
The plugin uses custom posts to compose the sections of a landing page. When creating a section, you can assign it to different pages defined as landing page, so you can create page variations, A-B tests and more. You can customize the sections by choosing background color, background images or video, and edit content in the same way as an ordinary post.
- How to enable a native page to become a landing page?
Go to the plugin’s configuration page in the side menu by locating in “Settings -> Landing Page Creator With Custom Posts”. You will find a table listing all current WordPress pages, just select your options and save.
- I liked the plugin and would like to contribute to the developer, how can I help?
If this plugin helped you in any way and would like to pay for a coffee through [Paypal] (https://goo.gl/dN6U3T) or evaluate the plugin in the repository of WordPress plugins, thank you immensely. WordPress is love!
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“Landing Page Creator With Custom Posts”(은)는 오픈 소스 소프트웨어입니다. 다음의 사람들이 이 플러그인에 기여하였습니다.
- Added: Support to WordPress Gutenberg Editor
- Bugfixes: Fix error when plugin is activated (if ACF plugin is not installed)
- Bugfixes: Fix error when save a empty form in plugin configuration
- Changed: Removed support for video background. Modern browsers doesn’t support autoplay videos (https://developers.google.com/web/updates/2017/09/autoplay-policy-changes).
- Changed: Check if required plugin ‘Advanced Custom Fields’ is installed and active, now is necessary install ACF to use this plugin
- Changed: Now support version 5.0 and above of ‘Advanced Custom Fields’
- Bugfixes: Fix minor errors
- Bugfixes: Support PHP 5.4 and above
- Bugfixes: Support WordPress 3.9 and above
- Bugfixes: Fix minor errors
- Bugfixes: Fix error support for PHP 5.4 and later versions.
- Bugfixes: Fix implementation of empty() function in code.
- Changed: Not need file template for each type of section. Now only load a single file for that
- Test: Tested in WordPress 3.9.23 installation with debug enabled
- Bugfixes: Fix PHP errors showing in screen, if no page is defined as landing page.
- Add more tags for better search in plugin repository.
- Created