LH Page Links To


This plugin allows you to make a WordPress post or page link to a URL of your choosing, instead of its WordPress URL. It also will redirect people who go to the old (or “normal”) URL to the new one you’ve chosen.

This started as a fork of Mark Jacquiths Page Links to plugin. I forked it, to simplify the code base, better support gutenberg, and properly support redirects on password protected pages.

Common uses:

  • Set up navigational links to non-WordPress sections of your site or to off-site resources.
  • Publish content on other blogs (or other services, like Medium) but have them show up in your WordPress posts stream. All you have to supply is a title and a URL. The post title will link to the content on the other site.
  • For store operators, you can link to products on other retailer’s sites (maybe with an affiliate code) but have them show up like they’re products in your store.
  • Create a “pretty URL” for something complicated. Say you have https://example.com/crazy-store-url.cgi?search=productId&sourceJunk=cruft … just create a WordPress page called “My Store” and use Page Links To to point it to the ugly URL. Give people the new URL: https://example.com/my-store/ and it will redirect them!

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  1. Upload the lh-page-links-to folder to your /wp-content/plugins/ directory.

  2. Activate the “LH Page Links To” plugin.

Existing Content Usage:

  1. Edit a post or page.

  2. Below, find the Page Links To widget, select “A custom URL”, and add a URL of your choosing.

  3. Save the post or page.

  4. Done! Now that content will point to the URL that you chose. Also, if anyone had the old WordPress URL for that content, they will be redirected to the custom URL if they visit.

Creating New Page Links:

  1. Click Pages > Add New Page Link.

  2. Provide a title and a destination URL.

  3. Optionally provide a custom slug, which will be used in creating a local redirect URL.

  4. Click Publish.


If you want to link to a full URL, you must include the http:// portion.

Can I link to relative URLs for URLs on the same domain?

Yes. Linking to /my-content.php is a good idea, as it will still work if you move your site to a different domain.

What if something does not work?

LH Page Links To, and all https://lhero.org plugins are made to WordPress standards. Therefore they should work with all well coded plugins and themes. However not all plugins and themes are well coded (and this includes many popular ones).

If something does not work properly, firstly deactivate ALL other plugins and switch to one of the themes that come with core, e.g. twentyfifteen, twentysixteen etc.

If the problem persists please leave a post in the support forum: https://wordpress.org/support/plugin/lh-page-links-to/ . I look there regularly and resolve most queries.

What if I want to enable or disable this functionality for a specific post type?

Look at the filter lh_page_links_to_get_applicable_post_types . It will enable you to modify the post type(s) this functionality is available with.

More bbroadly this plugin is about decisions not options so I won’t be adding settings but there is likely a filter to modify most behaviour, and it there is not I am happy to add one!

What if I need a feature that is not in the plugin?

Please contact me for custom work and enhancements here: https://shawfactor.com/contact/


2021년 12월 17일
Great plugin updated and a valid alternative to abandoned plugin called “Page Links To”. I would only suggest to add the ability to open links in a new window (Target = “_blank”). Thanks
2021년 4월 24일
Thank you soooo much for this plugn. It works perfect. My theme has a Horizontal News Ticker that only scrolls post categories. I could not figure out how to use a post link to get the post title to scroll in the Ticker. When my wordpress plugin search kept sending me to a “link-to plugin that had not been updated I searched google and there it was, it works seamlessly. Thank you
모든 4 평가 읽기

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1.00 December 05, 2019
Initial release.

1.02 March 10, 2024
Many code improvements. Changed text domain to be wordpress compliant, added column for linked pages, added any filters