A wordpress plugin which implements lightview 3.0 of Nick Stakenburg.
Lightview does the same as lightbox, but in a much nicer way. lightview-plus plays videos from YouTube, blip.tv and Vimeo.
This plugin automatically enhance image links to use lightview. It has the same functionality as the wordpress plugin fancybox plus
This plugin needs jQuery now!
ATTENTION TO ALL USERS, THAT USES LIGHTVIEW PLUS PRIOR 3.0! If you upgrade to lightview plus 3.0, you have to install the new lightview 3.0 which uses jQuery now.
Read installation instructions on my website
Lies die Installationsanweisungen auf meiner Webseite
이 플러그인에 대한 평가가 없습니다.
기여자 & 개발자
- [NEW] added language hindi. Welcome India!
- [FIX] spinner.js was minified in lightview. changed code to fit
- [FIX] disabling of default enabled options is possible again now. Thanks Martin!
- [FIX] videos in feeds and mobile will not play automatically again
- [NEW] plays youtube-nocookie videos
- [FIX] backup option for backup fixed. Will never use the register_(de)activate-hook again for that
- [FIX] User is able now, to choose, if he want to customize lightview
- [FIX] fixed small bugs
- [NEW] more options.
- [NEW] all customizations are disabled by default. Customizations for the skin can be switched on and off
- [NEW] added german translation
- [FIX] Admin Menu: Javascripts and CSS files are only loaded in the lightview plus menu now
- [FIX] Colorpicker fixed
- [FIX] added excanvas.js for IE
- [FIX] small and fast fix to show floats in the right way.
- [NEW] ATTENTION: Support only the new lightview 3.0 or higher, which has to be downloaded here
- [NEW] now, with lightview plus it is possible, to show your old embedded videos with lightview
- [FIX] Preview pictures of YouTube in hi res again
- [FIX] fixed wrong options menu
- [NEW] Vimeo videos are shown on mobile devices, like iPhone and iPad
- [FIX] Options Menu: option to show or not to show the video in the feed
- [FIX] Small bugfix video implementation if the feed is displayed
- [FIX] Options Menu: open of the options
- [FIX] Feed appereance
- [NEW] splitted plugin into two files, for simple future updates
- [NEW] YouTube uses iframes now
- [NEW] admin menu in new design
- [NEW] user can choose, if the videos will be shown in the feed or if there will be the video preview image
- [NEW] video preview cache will be emptied after plugin upgrade
- [NEW] some improvements under the hood
- [NEW] YouTube videos will be shown in HD every time
- [FIX] TinyMCE insert failure with videos
- [FIX] blip.tv autoplay
- [FIX] wordpress.org repository
- [NOTHING] nothing changed to, but wordpress.org doesn’t got it, as actual version. Sorry for that!
- [FIX] fixed vimeo autoplay option
- [FIX] updated prototype javascript framework to v1.7
- [FIX] small YouTubeHQ bug fix
- [FIX] small fix
- [FIX] small YouTube Feed fix
- [NEW] new vimeo embed code to work with iphone, ipad… (haven’t tested it, because I don’t own an iPad)
- [NEW] use of wp_remote_fopen to use curl or fopen
- [FIX] added again to wordpress repository. nothing changed to 2.5.1
- [FIX] “node no longer exists” error. Websites with this error have to wait 24 hours, until the error disapiers. Sorry for this!
- [UPDATE] Danish language!
- [ATTENTION] Default values are not written. Will be fixed in next version. This release is for WP3.0 to get it work!
- [NEW] added blip.tv
- [FIX] small change loading scriptaculous effects javascript
- [FIX] CSS fix for opacity in IE
- [FIX] removed deprecated function
- [NEW] preview picture and a text of video is shown in feeds, instead of the simple text
- [NEW] Autoplay for all videos
- [FIX] some small core changes
- [NEW] added some lines for more security
- [NEW] Cache for video data
- [NEW] Debug Option for videos
- [NEW] Nice placeholder for videos which aren’t available. Thanks to Zaur!
- [FIX] scriptaculous wasn’t loading in IE
- [FIX] play button centred now (thanx to Olli)
- [UPDATE] italian language file
- [FIX] fixed some small html errors in the play button overlay
- [NEW] security enhancement
- [NEW] enhancement of regex due to a user’s wish
- [FIX] small decoration fix. ###TITLE### doesn’t show under videos
- [FIX] small fixes in german translation
- [FIX] vimeo videos and preview images are shown in the correct dimension, now
- [FIX] if video option “notext” is selected, no text will displayed under the lightview video window
- [UPDATE] Uses V2 of vimeos simple api
- [UPDATE] to new version of prototype and scriptaculous
- [NEW] make use of wp_enqueue function of wordpress to load javascripts
- [NEW] Added play button to video preview images
- [NEW] Play button overlay over videos
- [FIX] fixed language tags in lightview-popup.php
- [UPDATE] french language
- [UPDATE] german language
- [FIX] added prototype 1.6.1-rc3 for fixing IE8 issues. Please use under lightview-plus option the local version of prototype, instead of googles version.
- [NEW] added dansk language
- [FIX] fixed repository
- [NEW] Language Russian
- [NEW] Language Portuguese/Brasil
- [NEW] automaitcally adds the title attribute to
- [FIX] YouTube HQ
- [FIX] showing YouTube HQ videos direct in HQ mode
- [NEW] simplexml_load_file support for PHP4 and PHP5, where it is not compiled with
- [NEW] nag screen to send informations to the user
- [FIX] YouTube HQ works, now
- [FIX] workaround for backup process, during automatic update
- [FIX] adding default values
- [NEW] Turkish language pack
- [NEW] now, the video preview images width can set seperatly
- [FIX] fixed an issue if function simplexml_load_file does not exist
- [FIX] added YouTube HQ support
- [FIX] html valid, now
- [NEW] French language pack
- [NEW] automatically backup and restore of the lightview javascript during automatic update
- [FIX] new scriptaculous and prototype for compatibility with new lightview version
2.0.1 / 2.0.2
- [NEW] Italian Language Pack. Many thanks to Gianni Diurno from gidibao.net
- [NOTICE] Version = 2.0.1 and = 2.0.2 are the same. The wp repository did not took = 2.0.1 🙁
- [NEW] Support of YouTube and Vimeo (more to come).
- [NEW] Admin Page
- [NOTICE] removed lightview-javascript due to gpl license
- [FIX] fixed a bug in the regex.
- [FIX] a little bug in the regex. sorry, for that!
- [FIX] Some enhancement at the regex. Now, no -tags are replaced with lightview-tags
- [NEW] Lighview = 2.= 1.1 integrated
- [NOTICE] Developement release only
- [FIX] Wrong pathname in script!`