Particularly suitable to all multi-nested categories and multi-authors website, with lots of posts and complex category layout (i.e.: academic papers, newpapers articles, etc), as weel as for single-user websites (read below). This plugin allows the user to place a shortcode into any page and get rid of a long and nested menu/submenu to show all site’s posts (including custom post types assigned to a standard category). A customizable selector in the page will allow the reader to select grouping by Category/Author/Title.
Shortcode’s options include:
- excluding any category from the list
- excluding/including admin users from the list
- single-user website usage
- select what list(s) to display
- limit number of posts in list output
- Show (optional) post date
- Show in reverse date order
Output grouped by Category will look like:
post1 AUTHOR
post2 AUTHOR
post3 AUTHOR
post4 AUTHOR
Shortcode generator
The plugin installs a new menu ACT List Shortcodes in Admin->Tools. The tool is a helper to automatically generate the required shortcode. It will parse the options and display the string to be copied and pasted into any page. Please refer to the plugin admin page for a full list of options.
Default manual usage:
all categories and subcategories post, excluding administrator’s posts, grouped by (upon selection) Category/Author/Title
Exclude categories:
[ACT-list exclude=”cat1-slug, cat2-slug, …”]
listed categories will be excluded. Categories must be listed with their slugnames.
Include admin’s posts:
[ACT-list admin=1]
this option will also include all admin’s posts in the list.
Single-user website:
[ACT-list singleuser=1]
this option is suited for websites with a single author (or when you don’t want to show the authors). It removes grouping by Authors and any author name. This option includes the admin=1 option, so that it will list any post in the website. You can still apply “excluding categories” option.
Select what list(s) to display
The parameter “show” will allow the admin to select what lists will be shown and if the dropdown selector is needed or not. i.e.:
[ACT-list show=”Category, Author”]
[ACT-list show=”Title, Category”]
Allowed terms for the “show” parameter are: Author, Title, Category.
Split the lists into separate pages
By selecting only one variable in the “show” parameter, you will be able to show only one list without the dropdown selector. This will enable you to put the 3 lists into separate pages, or separate tabs of the same page.
Page#1 (or tab#1)
[ACT-list show=”Category”]
Page#2 (or tab#2)
[ACT-list show=”Author”]
Page#3 (or tab#3)
[ACT-list show=”Title”]
Limit the number of posts in the lists
If you have a large numbers of posts (>2,000), it could be convenient to limit the number of posts in the lists, including only a certain amount of the most recent posts. This can be achieved separately for the 3 lists using the following parameters: postspercategory, postsperauthor, totalpoststitle. i.e.:
[ACT-list show=”Category” postspercategory=”20″] will show only the 20 most recent posts for each category.
Show posts list in reverse date order
By default, the posts will be listed from newest to oldest. To change this behaviour, use the reverse-date=1 parameter.
Show posts date (v.>=2.7.0)
The date of the post could be printed out before the post name, optionally
If you like the plugin, feel free to rate it (on the right side of this page) or donate via PayPal. Thanks a lot! 🙂
- Upload
folder to the/wp-content/plugins/
directory - 워드프레스의 ‘플러그인’ 메뉴에서 플러그인을 활성화하세요.
- Use the Admin->Tools->ACT List Shortcodes form to generate the shortcode.
Can I customize the style in the lists?
Yes, all lists are included in ATC-wrapper div. You can override it in your child theme style.css
Can I remove the selector, so that the plugin will display only one list?
Yes. Just use the show option to display only one list, as explained in description
What happened to the language folder?
As of version 2.7.1, this plugin no longer ships with translation files. Translations will be available at http://translate.wordpress.org and they will be updated through WordPress process.
기여자 & 개발자
“List all posts by Authors, nested Categories and Titles”(은)는 오픈 소스 소프트웨어입니다. 다음의 사람들이 이 플러그인에 기여하였습니다.
= 2.9.0
* security update
= 2.8.4 / 2.8.5
* sanitization
= 2.8.3
* security update
= 2.8.2
* code cleaning – removing deprecated
= 2.8.1
* bug fix for php 8
= 2.8.0
* security update
= 2.7.10
* bug fix for php 8
= 2.7.9
* wptexturize output, and change some vars name (contributed by A. Calligaris)
- Minor bug fixed.
- Added link to each Category or Author page.
- Minor bug fixed.
- Fixed bug: hide an authors name if he has no posts because of an excluded category.
- Fixed bug on postdate
- Bug fix
- Bug fix
- Removed languages folder, switched translations to translate.wordpress.org
- Introducing optional post-date printing in the list
- Minor changes. PSR2 code compliance
- Removed few unwanted characters
- Bug fix
- Introducing a new switch to change the posts lists in reverse date order
- removing old unwanted files
- Implemented proper localization support
- Minor code enhancements
- Now the plugin supports also custom post types, if assigned to any standard category
- Introduced new admin backend tool: shortcode automatic generator form
- Added Dutch translation (credits to Rolf van Gelder)
- Added Norwegian translation.
- Introduced new parameters to limit output for huge lists.
- Now all user’s roles will be listed in the Author page, not only author roles.
- Added German localization
- Introducing the show option, to select what list to display
- Changing the option single to singleuser for better understanding
- Updated description to include the new option
- Introducing the single option, for single-user websites
- Updated description to include the new option
- readme.txt improvements
- Added a missing
in byTitle list
- few styling adjustments
- minor styling fixes
- First working version