Local Business Details allows you to store your contact information that is important for local SEO (NAP) and higher conversions.
- Save your business name, address, phone number and contact link.
- Use shortcodes to display your business details for consistency across all pages.
- Display a text message style sticky call-to-action button to get more leads.
- Show your face on the sticky call-to-action button to build trust.
Credits and support
This plugin is created by Ray DelVecchio, a web designer who has used WordPress for over a decade.
To learn more:
- Subscribe to his WordPress YouTube channel for step-by-step tutorials
- Visit his blog, Website Profit Course, to start freelancing with WordPress
Go to ‘Plugins’ > ‘Add new’ and search for ‘Local Business Details’ to install and activate.
For manual installation:
- Upload the
folder to your/wp-content/plugins/
directory. - Navigate to the ‘Plugins’ section in WordPress and click ‘Activate’.
- Go to ‘Settings’ > ‘Local Business’ enter your phone number, contact info, and enable the sticky CTA button.
- Click ‘Save Changes’ and you’re good to go!
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기여자 & 개발자
- Plugin launch