Log Visitor IPs


This plugin allows you to log the IP addresses of website visitors and view them in your WordPress dashboard.

Just install the plugin, and click the Visitor IPs tab in your WordPress dashboard. There, you will find the IP addresses and time visited of your website visitors in table format. Data will only be tracked for visitors that came to your website after you installed the plugin.

The traffic timestamps will be stored in UTC. The plugin will check your WordPress settings for your preferred timezone and display the timestamps in that timezone.

In order to avoid excessive logging, the plugin employs cookies to only store a visitor’s IP address once per session. The cookie is set to expire when the user closes their browser.

NOTE: Please check the laws in your region before installing this plugin. By installing this plugin you are taking responsibility for all legal implications involved, including storing IP addresses and notifying your users.

NOTE: This plugin uses the popular Datatables library to display data. While the source code is included locally in the plugin, you may also visit https://datatables.net/ to view the library source code.


  1. Upload the “log-visitor-ips” folder to the “/wp-content/plugins/” directory.
  2. Activate the plugin through the “Plugins” menu in WordPress.


How do I get support?

You can get support by going to the Support section of this plugin page.


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  • Initial release.