Simply great frontend user and registration tool. We created it for us but think it will helpful for you too.
Main plugin purpose – create beautiful forms and popups for simple frontend user login and registration. And creating simple user dashboard.
By installing that plugin you will get such features as:
- Gutenberg block for creating login / registration or both forms.
- Elementor widgets for creation pages with login/registration forms.
- Integrating with menu
- Avatar upload
- User settings panel
- You can simply add sections for user panel with Shortcodes
- ReCaptcha v3 integrated
- Default WP login / registration
이 플러그인은 3(을)를 제공합니다.
- Login / Register form
- LRK Login form
- LRK Forms
From your WordPress dashboard
- Visit Plugins > Add New
- Search for “Login registration kit”
- Activate Frontend Registration Kit from your Plugins page
Read the documentation to get started
Read about all features on official plugin page
이 플러그인에 대한 평가가 없습니다.
기여자 & 개발자
V1.0 Initial release
V1.1 Fix Gutenberg blocks