Tql (NYSE: Tql) is a leading global provider of transportation and logistics solutions. Its freight division, Tql Freight, provides freight related services, including less-than-truckload (LTL) freight. This application retrieves your negotiated Tql LTL freight rates, takes action on them according to the application settings, and displays the result as shipping charges in the WooCommerce checkout process. If you don’t have an Tql Freight account, call 800-333-7400, or register online register online.
Key Features
- Displays negotiated LTL shipping rates in the shopping cart.
- Provide quotes for shipments within the United States and to Canada.
- Custom label results displayed in the shopping cart.
- Display transit times with returned quotes.
- Product specific freight classes.
- Support for variable products.
- Define multiple warehouses.
- Identify which products drop ship from vendors.
- Product specific shipping parameters: weight, dimensions, freight class.
- Option to determine a product’s class by using the built in density calculator.
- Option to include residential delivery fees.
- Option to include fees for lift gate service at the destination address.
- Option to mark up quoted rates by a set dollar amount or percentage.
- Works seamlessly with other quoting apps published by Eniture Technology.
- WooCommerce 6.4 or newer.
- A Tql account api key.
- An API key from Eniture Technology.
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개발에 관심이 있으십니까?
- Fix: Resolved UI compatibility issue with WooCommerce versions later than 9.0.0
- Update: Updated connection tab according to wordpress requirements
- Update: Introduced capability to suppress parcel rates once the weight threshold has been reached.
- Update: Compatibility with WordPress version 6.5.3
- Update: Compatibility with PHP version 8.2.0
- Fix: Incorrect product variants displayed in the order widget.
- Update: Display “Free Shipping” at checkout when handling fee in the quote settings is -100% .
- Update: Introduced the Shipping Logs feature.
- Update: Introduced “product level markup” and “origin level markup”.
- Update: Compatibility with WooCommerce HPOS(High-Performance Order Storage)
- Fix: Fixed a fatal error in FreightDesk.Online connection
- Fix: Compatibility with add-on “Microwarehouse”
- Update: Introduced connectivity from the plugin to FreightDesk.Online using Company ID
- Update: Compatibility with add-on “Microwarehouse”
- Update: Compatibility with “WooCommerce Payments” plugin
- Update: Compatibility with WordPress multisite network
- Fix: Inherent product freight class to its variants
- Update: By default mark all carriers checked.
- Update: Compatibility with PHP version 8.1.
- Update: Compatibility with WordPress version 5.9.
- Initial release.