Makeiteasy Slider


Block based slider, leverages the speed and versatility of the Swiper slider.

Key Features

  • 🥇 Insert Any Block as a Slide: No restrictions! Use the full power of the WordPress block editor.
  • 🥈 Flexible Configuration: Use Swiper’s full range of features by entering the JSON configuration.
  • 🥉 Lightweight & Fast: Uses only Swiper library as dependency.
  • 🌟 Developer-Friendly: The source code is fully available, making it easy to customize with hooks.

JSON configuration how to

Head to Swiper docs, to Parameters section to find parameter you need.
More elaborate configuration for some features is available further below on page, in Modules section.
Once you found the parameters you need, write them as JSON instead as javascript object, i.e.:

    autoplay: {
        delay: 6000,
        disableOnInteraction: true
    pagination: {
        clickable: true

would be written as

    "autoplay": {
        "delay": 6000,
        "disableOnInteraction": true
    "pagination": {
        "clickable": true

And enter them on settings tab in block sidebar under Advanced slider configuration section.
You can learn more about JSON in Stackoverflow blog or on W3schools page.

Your JSON configuration merges with default configuration needed for swiper to run. You can break slider functioning through misconfiguration, so this is the first place to look if something does not work.
There is a built in syntax checker in Advanced slider settings box,


There is a full source code on github. You can investigate code, adjust it to your needs, collaborate, …


이 플러그인은 2(을)를 제공합니다.

  • Slider Slider based on blocks
  • Slide Slide for makeiteasy slider


From block editor:

Search for ‘makeiteasy swiper slider’ in the block editor when adding a new block via the ‘+’ sign in the top bar.

Standard Installation:

  1. Install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly or upload the plugin files to the /wp-content/plugins/makeiteasy-swiper-slider directory.
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ screen in WordPress


Why is [feature x] missing?

Creating UI for every detail of Swiper slider is exceptionally demanding. That’s why configuration in UI is limited, while JSON configuration is secure
and very powerful.

Can I use it in other page builders (e.g. Elementor)

Depends on page builder. Some builders also have third party add-ons which enable that.


2025년 1월 22일 답글 1개
Simple setup, open source, clean, most modern and light carousel slider for wp, based on the very good swiper library. Also developer friendly. Good job
모든 1 평가 읽기

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코드 탐색하기는, SVN 저장소를 확인하시거나, 개발 기록RSS로 구독하세요.



Minimum slide width in editor breaks display in editor when slides are small images – this is reverted back to v1.0.0.


Set minimum slide width in editor
Enable styling colors in slider background and slider colors which could be inherited (Color section in block sidebar).


Initial version